Finally, from Eclipse 2020-09 (4.17) there is an option "Tree and Table font view" in Window -> Preferences -> General -> Appearance -> Colors and Fonts which changes size of the font in Package Explorer, among others.

I'm trying to get Internet Explorer to render my pretty fonts. It's not working. They work fine in Firefox and I can see in my Apache access logs that IE has pulled the fonts. So it's parsing the font-face CSS tag, just not rendering them.

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The site I used to convert the fonts was: I tried that WEFT tool by Microsoft but it wouldn't work properly. After installing and opening it, it said 'First time running it, do this...' then it continually hanged.

If you've thrown in the towel or you're still struggling with this I strongly recommend font squirrel. It replaces WEFT far better than any of the other online .eot generators. As a huge bonus, it supplies all needed cross-browser formats in one zip file along with a working CSS+HTML sample page.It's the closest thing yet to @fontface nirvana.

Notice that I defined the font for IE seperately with a -ie suffix. When using the font I would do something like p { font-family : din-pro, din-pro-ie }. Tested and working from IE5 forward using emulation.

I had the same issues many folks here encountered. The issue turned out to be simply that IE has a shorter character limit on the value of font-family. I gave my font-family a shorter name and it finally worked using the css that font squirrel spit out.

I was having the same problem as panas. I converted from ttf to eot using Well, it seems that was the problem: I just tryied as atsjr pointed out and everything is working fine!

It's always better to direct the font-face attribute locally and not online, e.g. url('../fonts/font-name.eot'). IE and other browsers won't "see" the fonts when you are running your webpage on a local server.

One thing that is special about IE is that it requires the font-family name to be the exact same as the name found in the font's properties. While Chrome and others let you name the font-family what you want, that's not the case for IE

I am having a hard time to find out which font is used by the Win 7 File Explorer in the tree view on the left hand side. Better, of course, would be if I can programmatically find out which the right font is (C#).

I took the liberty of capturing Windows Explorer with PAINT.NET (a great utility) and wrote the identical text above the captured text. Here's what I can tell you. The Font in Windows Explorer appears to be some compressed form of Seqoe UI. There's simply no other font that's close enough. However, it become apparent when you have a long word or phrase that the width has been compressed and the pixels bleed (aliasing). I've not yet found out how to reproduce the exact spacing, but I'm pretty convinced of the following:

It is not Segoe. I've spent the last three days attempting to reverse engineer Windows Explorer in Windows 7. Having worked with WPF and Vista, Segoe UI was my first choice for a font family, but I can confirm that it doesn't match up exactly with what Windows Explorer is using.

After working on this subject for several months, here's what I've concluded: The default font is in fact Segoe UI, 9 pt. (12 pixels). However, there is something going on with the 'SnapsToDevicePixels' in Win32 that isn't or can't be emulated with WPF. If you start to mess with the boundaries of your text in fractions, you can start to see some of the aliasing that goes on with fonts. For example, place a simple canvas in front of your text block and give it a width of, say, 7.5 and you'll see your text start to 'bleed' into the surrounding pixels. I've played around with every combination of fractional spacing and fractional fonts and still can't exactly reproduce the text we see with Windows Explorer. This leaves me with the conclusion that Win32 text is simply rendered with a different engine than WPF.

The font is indeed Segoe UI, 9 pt. However, the Graphics.DrawString() and TextRenderer.DrawText() methods render the font a little differently. If you use Graphics.DrawString(), the text will appear to have more kerning than Windows uses. TextRenderer.DrawText() appears to mimic the exact font that FileExplorer uses.

I have a 17 inch Mac Book Pro which is frequently hooked up to 27 inch high res display and the font size in the package explorer was way too small. Eclipse is supposed to respect the OS settings but it turns out on Mac OS X the default setting for eclipse is to use small Fonts rather than the standard os fonts.

on Mac OS X you can change edit the eclipse.ini file and remove -Dorg.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.smallFonts restart eclipse and presto you will find that your package explorer looks brilliant with reasonable sized fonts.

In my case, I got really small fonts when opening .CS files, small font in Package Manager Console, small font in Find window (opens by Ctrl+F), but other fonts (like fonts for .TS files) were fine. I was able to put custom font size through Tools->Options->Environment->Fonts and Colors but I had to set the size to be 14 instead of the default 9 value and it helped for .CS editor but hurt the .TS editor and it did not modify the font in the Find window.

The only solution in my case was using CTRL + Mouse Wheel Up functionality to enlarge the fonts. I was able to return to the default font sizes everywhere and it also adjusted my Find window font size.

Back to topWindows XPRight-click the desktop and select Properties.

In the Display Properties window, click theSettings tab, and then click Advanced.

On the General tab, select Normal size (96DPI)or Large Size (120DPI). Click OK.

Note: To customize your fonts, select CustomSetting... . Next to "Scale fonts to be XXX% of normalsize", from the drop-down menu, select the percentage difference youwant, or slide the ruler to select the percentage. Click OK.Back to top

I am afraid currently there is no way to change the font size for Package Explorer in Darkest Dark. I have filed an enhancement request for the dev team to work on it. We will keep you posted when it is supported.

6. Now copy the modified jar file back to the Eclipse plugin directory (overwrite the old jar file, maybe make a backup of the old one before performing this step) and restart Eclipse. The font-size should be 14.

Hello! We have just released a hotfix (2020.4.24a) to address an issue when setting Explorer font size. Some items (Git outgoing changes, for example) in the explorer were not taking the font size, so that looked weird. You can get the update now and notice this has been fixed.

Many of my government clients are having issues viewing a SCORM package posted to our Moodle LMS. The project was created using Storyline fonts such as "Roboto" and "Articulate." After publishing to the LMS and upon opening the file, the font has changed to something completely different, has compressed many of the words so that some of the letters are practically on top of one another, and is arbitrarily omitting the letter F. No other letter; just the F. Some more facts to note:

If this is the only fix, this would require me to go back into all of my projects and change the fonts on every single text box, so I'm hoping there's some other magic pill out there in settings that can fix this. I'll try anything! Attached is a screen shot of a slide with the missing letters and in the font I did not select.

Hi there, Amitty! I think you're on the right path with those details you're mentioning. Can you check out this article about missing letters and wrong fonts displaying? There are a few options listed that should help learners see the correct fonts.

Hi again...nothing is working. Our clients are restricted to Internet Explorer and they not have the option to download an alternate browser. Our LMS is already a trusted website. I've tried changing some slides to other fonts and it's still happening. Aside from testing each font, publishing the SCORM, uploading to the LMS, and testing in IE for EVERY SINGLE font, I just don't know what to do. The clients are understandably upset, as you can imagine.

I'm sorry you're still stuck with this font issue. Were you able to look into the other options of having the clients enable the Font Download Setting in IE11 or look into the Windows Group Policy Blocking Untrusted Fonts? That would be my additional recommendation as it's an IE-specific issue.

Our team is looking into a broader fix, and although it's a priority issue, it's not an easy change to how fonts are rendered and will take some time. We'll let you know here once we do have an update though!

Our clients cannot make any changes to settings on their workstation computers, as they are all managed by IT departments. And in the government, many of those changes are simply not allowed. I will have to keep working my way through the fonts until I find one that doesn't drop letters.

Amitty - did you come up with a font combination that works in LMS and Internet Explorer? I'm in the same position as you, with government group policies that enforce browser settings. The fonts in my Storyline module are Lato and Ariel.

If your project is finished or you're still working on it, I suggest making the font change. Going forward, if you know you have a government client, I suggest counting on this to be an issue. I'm a federal employee, so I can speak personally to the difficulty of making any sort of change to administrative IT settings; it simply isn't allowed. Additionally, I know for a fact that many agencies don't have a selection of web browsers to choose from, so Internet Explorer is their only option. Hope this helps, and good luck!

This happened to us too. When we launched our LMS, we noticed there was an issue with our IE browser reading courses through Workday. Many of our software simulations are housed in Rise through interactions. We have been having issues with these interactions showing scrambled letters and wacky fonts that make it unreadable for the learner. On 2/20 our IT was able to adjust our enterprise IE setting to fix the issue (in addition I changed all courses to Calibri a font common to all stores and re-uploaded the SCORM packages to our LMS). Everything was working fine. 006ab0faaa

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