In my OSGi-based Java application I am developing a bundle to provide the rest of the system with access to the file system. In addition to providing access to the user home directory, I also wish to provide access to a non-user specific area. Exactly what this area will be used for is as yet undetermined, but it will not be for preferences (handled by a different bundle), however it may be used to store data that could change at runtime.

A seemingly better place to store your application state data would be /var, or more specifically, /var/lib. This also comes from the Hierarchy Standard. You could create a /var/lib/myapp, or if you're also using things like lock files or logs, you could leverage /var/lock or /var/log.

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Applications require preference and configuration data to adapt to the needs of different users and environments. The java.util.prefs package provides a way for applications to store and retrieve user and system preference and configuration data. The data is stored persistently in an implementation-dependent backing store. There are two separate trees of preference nodes, one for user preferences and one for system preferences

Also, the dollar sign in your first assignment is incorrect (I guess you transcribed that incorrectly) and the value you assign is the literal string pwd which is probably not the name of a directory in the current directory; I'm guessing you intended to run the command pwd and store its output.

In which directory should I store securely my own bash (and Ruby, Python) scripts? Some of them contain passwords too, for example which uploads files to an FTP server. Is it secure to store them in /usr/local/bin? What chmod setting should I apply on them? 755?

Huh why not www? This is legacy from the Apache time. www doesn't specify which protocol is being used. Debian still uses this as of today while for example Arch linux uses /srv/http.

The best part of this, and the main reason to do it, is because I always partition my discs such that "/home" is a separate partition (and possibly a separate drive) from "/". That way it is easy to keep my apps backed up, and easily restore a system if the OS needs a reinstall (just don't mount your home partition during install and then switch it over in fstab afterwards -- only trick is to keep user ids the same).

To create an instance store-backed Linux AMI, start from an instance that you've launchedfrom an existing instance store-backed Linux AMI. After you've customized the instance tosuit your needs, bundle the volume and register a new AMI, which you can use to launch newinstances with these customizations.

The AMI creation process is different for Amazon EBS-backed AMIs. For more information about thedifferences between Amazon EBS-backed and instance store-backed instances, and how to determinethe root device type for your instance, see Storage for the root device. If you need to create an Amazon EBS-backedLinux AMI, see Create an Amazon EBS-backed Linux AMI.

If you add instance store volumes to your instance in addition to the root devicevolume, the block device mapping for the new AMI contains information for thesevolumes, and the block device mappings for instances that you launch from the new AMIautomatically contain information for these volumes. For more information, see Block device mappings.

Where is the appropriate place to store its files? Application consists of executable, some config files and startup script. But I don't want to spread it accross the filesystem just store in single folder for convenience since app is under heavy development. My guess would be to create new dir under /var. Right now I store it in my home folder.

The first time you launch a newly installed Linux distribution, a console window will open and you'll be asked to wait for a minute or two for files to de-compress and be stored on your PC. All future launches should take less than a second.

Tableau Server requires an identity store to manage user and group information. There are two kinds of identity stores: local and external. When you install Tableau Server you must configure either a local identity store or an external identity store.

For information about configuration options for the identity store, see identityStore Entity and External Identity Store Configuration Reference. For more information about adding more flexibility to the single identity store model, see Provision and Authenticate Users Using Identity Pools.

When you configure Tableau Server with a local identity store, all user and group information is stored and managed in the Tableau Server repository. In the local identity store scenario, there is no external source for users and groups.

When you configure Tableau Server with an external store, all user and group information is stored and managed by an external directory service. Tableau Server must synchronize with the external identity store so that local copies of the users and groups exist in the Tableau Server repository, but the external identity store is the authoritative source for all user and group data.

If you have configured the Tableau Server identity store to communicate with an external LDAP directory, then all users (including the initial admin account) that you add to Tableau Server must have an account in the directory.

When Tableau Server is configured to use an external LDAP directory, you must first import user identities from the external directory into the Tableau Server repository as system users. When users sign in to Tableau Server, their credentials are passed to the external directory, which is responsible for authenticating the user; Tableau Server does not perform this authentication. However, the Tableau user names stored in the identity store are associated with rights and permissions for Tableau Server. Therefore, after authentication is verified, Tableau Server manages user access (authorization) for Tableau resources.

Active Directory is an example of an external user store. Tableau Server is optimized to interface with Active Directory. For example, when you install Tableau Server on an Active Directory domain-joined computer using the Configure Initial Node Settings, Setup will detect and configure most Active Directory settings. If, on the other hand, you are using TSM CLI to install Tableau Server, you must specify all the Active Directory settings. In this case, be sure to use the LDAP - Active Directory template to configure identity store.

For all other external stores, Tableau Server supports LDAP as a generic way to communicate the identity store. For example, OpenLDAP is one of several LDAP server implementations with a flexible schema. Tableau Server can be configured to query the OpenLDAP server. To do so, the directory administrator must provide information about the schema. During setup, you must use Configure Initial Node Settings to configure a connection to other LDAP directories.

Basic user authentication in Tableau Server is by username and password sign-in for both local and external user stores. In the local case, user passwords are stored as a hashed password in the repository. In the external case, Tableau Server passes the credentials to the external user store and awaits a response as to whether the credentials are valid. External user stores can also handle other kinds of authentication like Kerberos, but the concept is still the same, Tableau Server delegates the credentials or user to the external store and awaits a response.

I searched and saw where this has been addressed before, but all the discussions were quite old, so I'm hoping there has been an update. I am trying to download a free app (History Channel) on my Apple TV. I get an popup stating I need to verify my payment info on the iTunes store thru an iOS device or my computer. Well, my computer is linux and my iPhone is DOA since getting wet and not up for replacement for several months, so until then, I'm on Android. Is there any way for me to update my info so I can add new apps to Apple TV?

I don't think that you can compare the windows and the linux clients, those are probably using completely different methods to save the password (I think something something like e.g. seahorse/gnome-keyring doesn't exist on windows).

When the desktop app tries to auth through the browser, it probably uses Oauth2 as the authentication path, instead of the locally stored password. Please try to disable the Oauth2 app in your owncloud installation, this should force the client to use the local password, e.g. from gnome keyring or KDE kwallet

This is inaccurate: sync client's OAuth2 integration is not orthogonal with the keychain component on your OS. The client does actually store there the refresh token that is used to grant a new auth. token and (like the user password) keep itself authorized. Disabling OAuth2 on the server should not cause the client to behave differently in this scenario.

Licenses are activated on a software-based license container (soft container), which is permanently connected to the controller. Alternatively, the license can be stored on a CODESYS Key (USB dongle). By replugging the CODESYS Key, the license can be used on any other controller.

Passwords stored in KWallet are encrypted on disk, and access to them is controlled by dedicated daemon software. Passwords stored in plain text are not encrypted. Because of this, when KWallet is in use, any unencrypted passwords that have been stored previously are automatically moved into the encrypted store.

pass makes managing these individual password files extremely easy. All passwords live in ~/.password-store, and pass provides some nice commands for adding, editing, generating, and retrieving passwords. It is a very short and simple shell script. It's capable of temporarily putting passwords on your clipboard and tracking password changes using git. e24fc04721

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