When a Windows desktop freezes I refresh, or if I am using a program I use alt + F4 to exit the program or I can use ctrl + alt + delete and this command will allow me to fix the Windows desktop by seeing what program is not responding and so on.

On my laptop when it completely freezes (unresponsive mouse or keyboard) on mint 17.3, I'm able to do control + alt + fn + f7, then control + alt + fn+ f2. This gets to the shell, then I login with my username and password. To go back to the desktop I do chvt 8 this gets me back to my current desktop. To find out the active tty's type w then chvt to the current one.

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Error description

* system suddenly freezes and reacts to nothing, only hard reset (power off) works ([edit] I have sysrq enabled, it doesn't react to magic REISUB keys)

* the display is not updating anymore (no black screen or broken image just the last one)

* if music was playing during the freeze, you get to listen to approx. the latest 2s repeated for ever

* there is no helpful entry in journalctl or any other log from the freeze or sort before moment

* monitoring tools show no RAM or CPU outage

Possible causes

As in the post above, the causes are very similar for me:

It can happen after 3min of working, or after 10h or more. It is most often caused when I "really" want to work (e.g. having mails opened, music, web browser, editor, etc.).

Something to note is that my laptop model is Thinkpad X250 and that one was mentioned in the latter post.

But to me it really seems like it has to do with some graphical issues. For instance, I can run a game for 3-4h using wine and 90% CPU, I never got a freeze. However, after running pycharm, or starting a Youtube video, I know my laptop will freeze eventually.

It's been 5 days since I wrote my post, and still no answer. I'm not asking for someone to come with a solution, but I'd like to hear any advice on how to manage to produce logs, find where the kernel freezes, debug it, and finally find the reason why this happens (and if possible fix it).

This bug is very annoying because I can't use my laptop anymore when doing presentations with slides and demos, because a freeze might occur and I can't spend 5 minutes rebooting my laptop, restarting all my applications for the demonstration. It's just an example of why it is very annoying so please anyone help.


I seem to have the same problem. I was first blaming failing hardware, but after a thought I have switched back from KMS to DDX and the issues were gone. I only had one freeze since the switch, which was several days ago, definitely an improvement. You might try it as well.


I have just recently experienced system freeze with DDX driver. So I have now switched back to KMS to see if overall system stability has improved. Because with the recent DDX the freeze came only after several weeks. Much better improvement to let say half a year ago.

That is normal, not every combined intel-ucode release will contain a new ucode for any given processor model. The issue I'm thinking of that could lead to crashes/freezes was somewhere in ~2016 If you have any newer microcode loaded that should not be the inherent issue anymore. I doubt it's an issue with modesetting vs xf86-video-intel unless there was a kernel regression for that graphics chipset. In which case I'd think we would at least see something in the log and/or have more users affected


I suffer, randomly, crashes in my system that make me unable to do anything. The screen freezes, I have no access to my mouse nor keyboard, it is impossible to TTY. In other words, all that I can do is use the ignorance ~ hold the power button for 10s~

Ah, well this freeze problem used to happened too before I installed xf86-video-intel.

But I did as you said. Let's see.

Thanks for replying.

EDIT: While installing xf86-video-intel a message was displayed.

This was the message : 

But I didnt did as it was said in the message.

Okay added the kernel parameters as you said. And freezes occur randomly. Maybe the time difference is because I left it freeze and thought it would be normal again. No, I don't use tlp or anything like that. And I don't think it's because of low memory since sometimes freeze take place even if I'm just browsing. I don't have any second machine.

And yeah here is some info I would like to add :

While installing xf86-video-intel a message was displayed.

This was the message : 

But I didnt did as it was said in the message.

After much searching, reading and trial of potential solutions, I'm back to square one. The keywords "freeze" and "unresponsive" have not helped, and are not tags in ServerFault, which tells me I might be googling wrong.

What I mean is that: is it possible for one application (probably running as root) to pause the execution of another already running process (any process, both GUI and command line) and then resume it later? In other words I don't want certain processes to be scheduled by the linux scheduler for a certain amount of time.

All operating systems freeze at some point and, Linux distributions are no exceptions. In this post, we are going to look at five methods you can apply to your frozen system before thinking of plugging out the power cable or holding down the power button to power off the PC.

I am using a Logitech wireless keyboard & mouse and the remote is plugged into a USB hub with an indicator light. When the computer freezes, the indicator light is NOT on!!! I have moved it around to every USP port on the computer and it still will not indicate a connection nor will the (print/scan button), nor the (Home) button work!!!

I'm having a similar issue with kali, it started when I upgraded to 17.5 around 10/20/2023. My ubuntu vm doesn't seem to freeze. I've downgraded the hardware compatibility and tried installing a fresh vm from the kali website. Sometimes I'll get 5 minutes, sometimes I'll get 15 or more, but eventually it freezes. 

I don't know what data to collect and post here to help diagnose things. My host is Windows 11, I've tried following the instructions here -us/troubleshoot/windows-client/application-management/virtualization-... without luck.

I tried to downgrade to 17.0.2 but the Workstation installer wouldn't allow me to.


I have a Acer PH18-71 with Intel and RTX4070. When i have an external monitor connected through HDMI and start using the dedicated GPU there is a high chance that the external monitor freezes, everything else is supposedly working since the sound is continuing.

Most times I have to run these two commands more than once, but seldom more than five times to get a responsive external screen. On some rare occasions (1/50) I have to remove the HDMI cable and plug it back in to un-freeze the monitor.

Description: Laptop will freeze, requiring reboot to unfreeze. If playing music, music loops in buffer for ~1sec. Sometimes at point of freeze the screen also has about half the pixels go crazy (i.e. black, green, etc.), though I think this is probably a sideeffect of a freeze during a screen refresh. kdump captures nothing and nothing is writing to the Fedora logs.

I'm using the Linux Bash shell on Windows to activate django virtual environment and I want to see if the packages I'm using in this certain project are showing up using pip freeze (just like in the tutorial I am watching, since I'm very new to Linux in general) but once I put in the command, it doesn't give me any errors it's just that it won't output any packages at all. This might be a very simple question to some of you guys but I was doing some research and I can't find anyone in the exact same circumstances I'm in, so I decided to come to SO for help.

b) the way juce filechooser linux is forking and calling kdialog, where also timing issues could explain different behaviours on different installations, e.g. access issue from the child process to folder/file which is now locked with the gtklib change from the parent process.

Fallback handler could not load library /home/otaviosoato/Unity/Hub/Editor/2019.4.8f1/Editor/Data/Mono/lib/libAssets/Code/Plugins/FMOD/lib/linux/x86_64/libfmodstudioL.so

Fallback handler could not load library /home/otaviosoato/Unity/Hub/Editor/2019.4.8f1/Editor/Data/Mono/lib/libAssets/Code/Plugins/FMOD/lib/linux/x86_64/libfmodstudioL.so

Having similar problems with freezes when starting/stopping the game in the editor, which on my side seems to be caused by stack overflows in FMOD due to logging. Try setting the FMOD log level to ERROR or NONE.

I tested it with a new plain 2D Unity project (2020.3.21f1) and FMOD integration (2.01.11), but still the same issue. Now, also setting loglevel to NONE or ERROR freezes the editor when starting the play mode. I set the loglevel to LOG and provided a pastebin of the editor log, maybe it helps you to further debug the issue.

In my previous posting, I said the Unity editor freezes no matter what log level I set. This seems to be unrelated to the log level or Unity in general, but more a problem when running the FMOD engine on PipeWire. E.g., I still have this freezing issue in the Unity editor running on PipeWire 0.3.42. Also, FMODStudio does not start when running on PipeWire, whereas it does when using PulseAudio. Different people on the PipeWire repository also report having audio issues with games based on FMOD. But I should open a new topic for this.

It could be graphics related, as gogalthorp points out, often a prime suspect in such cases. It might even be a graphics card starting to fail (I had that happening on one of my Acer laptops a couple of years ago. First, random freezes, then eventually after several months or maybe even a year or two, no longer booting because of dead graphics module built into the motherboard.)

I started using openSUSE 42.1 LEAP with the Beta version and had only a few minor problems. But suddenly, after the final release version was in the repos, i got those desktop freezes: desktop would hang and no keyboard available except for Ctrl-Alt-Backspace (twice) or CTRL-Alt Fx. ff782bc1db

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