To open URL in a new tab, enter:

$ /usr/bin/firefox --new-window 

To open URL in a new window, enter:

$ /usr/bin/firefox

Unix / Linux run Firefox from the command line

You need terminal and Gnome/KDE GUI to work with the local desktop. However, if you need to run Firefox on a remote Linux server and get output on a local desktop, try the ssh command:

ssh -X firefox

One can specify X display to use:

firefox --display=DISPLAY url

firefox --display=0.0 url

DISPLAY=some-desktop:0.0 firefox url

ssh -X "firefox --display=0.0"

Linux Download Firefox Command Line


How to keep alive firefox from ssh command. actually i want to keep alive firefox & open tabs after vnc viewer off. i m using skype form vps vnc viewer & skype via so i want to know how to keep alive that firefox pages.

Firefox is mainly used for browsing the internet like other browsers. But because of its open-source nature, it allows developers to modify the browser and change code in the repository used by Mozilla to officially update the browser. It is a graphical user interface browser that can be started easily with a single mouse click. The same program can also be launched from the command line with options that can be specified with this command.

Command line options are used to specify various startup options for Mozilla applications. For example, if you have multiple profiles you can use command line configuration options to bypass the Profile Manager and open a specific profile. You can also control how Mozilla applications open, which components open initially, and what the components do when they open. This page describes the commonly used options and how to use them. You can open the command line interface by pressing Shift+F2.

Command line options follow the command to start the application. If the option contains arguments, enter the argument after the option. Some options have abbreviations, for example, -editor can be abbreviated as -edit (available abbreviations are described in the text below). In some cases, option arguments must be enclosed in quotation marks (this is noted in the option descriptions below). Multiple command line options can be specified. In general, the syntax is as follows:

I would like to open a URL from the command line and have this open as a new tab or window in an already running and responding instance of Firefox. I'm using Debian's Sid branch. If I do the following:

SOLVED. UPDATE. so to extract firefox bookmarks bash command is: echo 'select url from moz_bookmarks, moz_places where;' | sqlite3 /home/a/.mozilla/firefox/2atgfyyq.default/places.sqlite | grep http > /tmp/firefox.bookmarks

When --profile path/to/directory is passed on the command line, the directory is created if it does not exist, but no times.json is written2.On the first access of the profile creation date (through ProfileAge.jsm) the module will detect that the times.json is missing.It will then iterate through all files in the current profile's directory, reading file creation or modification timestamps.The oldest of these timestamps is then assumed to be the profile creation date and written to times.json.Subsequent runs of Firefox will then use this date.


I'm seriously considering 1password for a family subscription. I've used Enpass for a while and quite like it but it's less cost-effective across a largish family (and doesn't have the family management features).

My only problem is that I'm a linux/firefox user at home and work, and I'm not willing to let the tail wag the dog, so to speak.

The CLI however might just be enough to make me subscribe but I share Elliot's concern about putting the secret-key on the command-line makes it, well, essentially not secret. Whilst the process is running this is readily available to any other user who can run ps (i.e. any other user!), and also it will be saved in the clear on disk in e.g. .bash_history.

One way round the latter is to install csh and only run it in a csh environment (no history) but this isn't a good workaround. The ps listing is a genuine security hole and I would urge you to allow a non-command-line-option way of entering the secret key!

(including the quotation marks). In this example the file path to the installation directory is C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox, the file name of the Firefox application is firefox.exe, and the command line argument we are using is ProfileManager.

A large number of tools can be used by typing commands into the command line; many come pre-installed on your system, and a huge number of others are installable from package registries. Package registries are like app stores, but (mostly) for command line based tools and software. We'll see how to install some tools later on in this chapter, and we'll learn more about package registries in the next chapter.

One of the biggest criticisms of the command line is that it lacks hugely in user experience. Viewing the command line for the first time can be a daunting experience: a blank screen and a blinking cursor, with very little obvious help available on what to do.

Generally, you'll find these two terms used interchangeably. Technically, a terminal is a software that starts and connects to a shell. A shell is your session and session environment (where things like the prompt and shortcuts might be customized). The command line is the literal line where you enter commands and the cursor blinks.

When you visit the command line you will inevitably need to navigate to a particular directory to "do something". All the operating systems (assuming a default setup) will launch their terminal program in your "home" directory, and from there you're likely to want to move to a different place.

In the next section let's step it up a notch (or several notches in fact) and see how we can connect tools together on the command line to really see how the terminal can be advantageous over the regular desktop user interface.

But it can also count the number of lines of whatever output is piped into it. For example, the below command counts the number of lines outputted by the ls command (what it would normally print to the terminal if run on its own) and outputs that count to the terminal instead:

So what is going on here? A general philosophy of (unix) command line tools is that they print text to the terminal (also referred to "printing to standard output" or STDOUT). A good deal of commands can also read content from streamed input (known as "standard input" or STDIN).

Installing Node.js also installs the npm command line tool (and a supplementary npm-centric tool called npx), which offers a gateway to installing additional command line tools. Node.js and npm work the same across all systems: macOS, Windows, and Linux.

\n A large number of tools can be used by typing commands into the command line; many come pre-installed on your system, and a huge number of others are installable from package registries.\n Package registries are like app stores, but (mostly) for command line based tools and software.\n We'll see how to install some tools later on in this chapter, and we'll learn more about package registries in the next chapter.\n

\n One of the biggest criticisms of the command line is that it lacks hugely in user experience.\n Viewing the command line for the first time can be a daunting experience: a blank screen and a blinking cursor, with very little obvious help available on what to do.\n

When you visit the command line you will inevitably need to navigate to a particular directory to \"do something\". All the operating systems (assuming a default setup) will launch their terminal program in your \"home\" directory, and from there you're likely to want to move to a different place.

So what is going on here? A general philosophy of (unix) command line tools is that they print text to the terminal (also referred to \"printing to standard output\" or STDOUT). A good deal of commands can also read content from streamed input (known as \"standard input\" or STDIN).

Previously on Windows xp executing "someexe.exe /?" used to show help and command line options for that exe. But it doesn't seem to be working for Windows 7. I tried "Chrome.exe /?" and it just starts chrome.

And how do you launch Firefox - via the standard GNOME app launcher, another shortcut, command line, etc.? Just thinking if there is a way that perhaps more than one Firefox launcher might exist, one of which has the -private command line option included?

Anyhow, when reinstalling the package via command line a differend, text-based GUI popped up displaying a detailed description about the installation choice. Just deny the installation of the app protection feature. After that Firefox worked fine for me. e24fc04721

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