At this point your Emacs daemon is up and you can connect to it using bothterminal clients (emacsclient -t) and GUI clients (emacsclient -c). Youmight also want to create some desktop icon that runs emacsclient -c, insteadof emacs. You might also want to set both EDITOR and VISUAL toemacsclient -t:

I've also tried to insert some other command in the .emacs file (like C- or many other) to set the mark, but none of them worked...

The strange thing is that even when i try to use it in other means (like Ctrl-h k to see what is supposed to do) the Ctrl never shows up... if i type ctrl-h k, and then ctrl-space, it shows me what the space command is intended to do, skipping the Ctrl!

Same thing with composed command (like ctrl-x ctrl-space.... it shows as i had typed ctrl-x space...)

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I've got the exact same problem: when using emacs in a console C+ just inserts a space (but C+ works, so it is not a problem).

However if I use it under X it works fine: C+ calls the set-mark function as it is supposed to.

Does anybody know how to solve this problem?

On Arch we can build custom packages cleanly by writing a PKGBUILD.This is a shell script that fetches the source and prepares it forinstallation. In the case of Emacs, we do not need to write the entirescript ourselves: the community-driven Arch User Repository (AUR)already includes the emacs-git package.

As we likely want to customise certain aspects of the build, emacs-gitshould not be installed as-is (and generally one ought to always inspectwhat they install from the AUR). Instead, we must fetch the PGBUILDsource, edit it, and build the package from there. This requires thebase-devel package group. The resulting output is a regular packageas far as the pacman is concerned.

Then we change to the emacs-git-aur directory and visit the PKGBUILDfile. It is properly annotated so one must read all the commentscarefully to understand what each variable pertains to.

As a final step, makepkg will prompt to install the package and ask toescalate privileges. In case we miss that part, we do not need torestart the whole process. The easier way is to check the directory weare in for a file named emacs-git- something like that and run the following (# denotes superuserprivileges):

We download the tarball from a GNU mirror as explained on the officialEmacs website. Forthis example I am using emacs-26.3.tar.xz. We unpack it into a targetdirectory and switch to it. The INSTALL file which found at the rootof that directory provides all the information we need.

When you have a single frame open, Emacs uses the value of the system-name variable as the frame title. This variable is set to the FQDN when Emacs starts. You can change it from your .emacs if you wish. This variable isn't used much, so don't worry about changing it. It is used to form a default email address when you send mail or news posts from within Emacs, but you'd almost always override that email address setting anyway.

I thought I'd have to install emacs on my Mac but have it already there on my Linux (Manjaro i3 18.0.4) but to my surprise, it was already there on my Mac and I had to install in on Linux. So if you run the command and see something like Unknow command emacs, you'll need to install it first.

Similar to OSX, Emacs is also packaged up with an installer for windows. You can download the installer from the Emacs FTP site. The easiest way to do this is to download the emacs--installer.exe and then run it on your system.

Just to avoid some confusion, emacs has two different fortran modes, fortran-mode for fixed-form and f90-mode for free-form source. They are basically treated like different languages, with different indent options, and so on.

It is not OS-dependent, although it makes perfect sense to guess it is. In relatively recent versions of Emacs, the standard configuration file is considered to be ~/.emacs.d/init.el. However the traditional ~/.emacs file still works. You can leave it as it is, or you can move it to ~/.emacs.d/ and rename it to init.el.

Hi I am using Rocky 8.6 and have emacs 26.1 installed.

I need to install a later version, preferably 28.

I could use flathub but the emacs version in flathub is not officially supported by emacs I dont think

I could download emacs and make but I do not understand that process, and still tried it and was told i am missing a C compiler, etc.

So I am hoping to get a later version of emacs from maybe a RHEL repo etc.

Is this possible?

Is there any other way to get a later version of emacs?

Thanks ahead of time

first time installer here! had the usual '"/BootTidal.hs" does not exist' error when trying to start up in emacs for the first time.

so following the instructions here: Emacs Extension for the workaround to get 'BootTidal.hs' in the startup path, but when i do this:

to further muddy the waters (heh) i installed stack and ran

stack install tidal

which did build tidal in some bizarre location but i don't know how to use that library with emacs ...

[xxx@xxx ~]$ locate BootTidal.hs


i'm sorry but i'm just not that familiar with Haskell or this way of building and installing things.

And I selected emacs. The only issue is I like emacs in no window mode (the -nw flag) and I've aliased emacs as emacs='emacs -nw' so that I can use no window mode in normal use, but I don't know how to get my default editor to be in no window mode.

In both cases (emacs and any other app) I use the maximize button provided by the OS. Using M-x toggle-frame-maximized as suggested has the same (wrong) effect. Using M-x toggle-frame-fullscreen works better in that emacs uses all the screen, but hides the window frame and the OS panel at the bottom, which is not what I want, I just want it to run maximized.

Seems like the problem was the selected font and setting the variable "frame-resize-pixelwise" to anything other than nul (default) solves the issue. I have added this line to my .emacs as suggested there:

After restart emacs (just load the config file was not working for me on this one), hitting the maximize button or executing the emacs maximize command "M-x toggle-frame-maximize" works as expected and emacs uses all available space so desktop wallpaper hides completely

Upstream bugs are to be reported upstream. Check out the emacs-devel archives to confirm if this is an already known bug. In fact... Why are you not subscribed to emacs-devel?. Also check the emacs-bug-tracker archives.

in the case of replace, i think it is indeed misused. it is used to replace obsolete packages, emacs obviously is not.1 as said in wiki, alternative package in aur should use conflict and provide instead of replace.

if a user has emacs installed and is using a repo that has this package prebuilt, when doing a Syu there would be prompt like "Replace emacs with emacs-git?[Y/n]", because replace makes pacman think emacs is obsolete. the more resonable behaviour should be prompting conflict issus when user explicitly wants to install emacs-git.this happened in our repo, but if the user only use aur and official repos, that would be fine. 2

Hi, I would like to know what version of emacs is in the repos for Alma 9.

I could of course do

dnf info emacs

but I do not have Alma 9 installed.

Is there a way to search the Alma 9 repos to determine the version of emacs?

Thanks ahead of time.

_64/9.0.html shows mirrors near you.

Link on that page seems to take me to */

and when I switch to */

I see a list of packages, with emacs among them.

If using Emacs 28 with Spacemacs for the first time, all Spacemacs packages in your configuration will be downloaded and compiled. This may take 5-15 minutes and Emacs may make full use of your CPU (spawning several emacs processes on multi-core computers)

Expect to see lots of warning messages when installing more than 250 emacs packages. Ignore these warnings until all packages have been installed. If warnings still occur after restarting Emacs, then start investigating (or ask questions on #spacemacs channel in the Clojurians Slack community)

Richard Stallman began work on GNU Emacs in 1984 to produce a free software alternative to the proprietary Gosling Emacs. GNU Emacs was initially based on Gosling Emacs, but Stallman's replacement of its Mocklisp interpreter with a true Lisp interpreter required that nearly all of its code be rewritten. This became the first program released by the nascent GNU Project. GNU Emacs is written in C and provides Emacs Lisp, also implemented in C, as an extension language. Version 13, the first public release, was made on March 20, 1985. The first widely distributed version of GNU Emacs was version 15.34, released later in 1985. Early versions of GNU Emacs were numbered as 1.x.x, with the initial digit denoting the version of the C core. The 1 was dropped after version 1.12, as it was thought that the major number would never change, and thus the numbering skipped from 1 to 13.[30] In September 2014, it was announced on the GNU emacs-devel mailing list that GNU Emacs would adopt a rapid release strategy and version numbers would increment more quickly in the future.[31]

The Church of Emacs, formed by Richard Stallman, is a parody religion created for Emacs users.[50] While it refers to vi as the editor of the beast (vi-vi-vi being 6-6-6 in Roman numerals), it does not oppose the use of vi; rather, it calls it proprietary software anathema. ("Using a free version of vi is not a sin but a penance."[51]) The Church of Emacs has its own newsgroup, alt.religion.emacs,[52] that has posts purporting to support this parody religion. Supporters of vi have created an opposing Cult of vi. ff782bc1db

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