Linsen Dong


Hello! This is the homepage of Linsen Dong. I will be joining Google in Jun 2022. Before that, I was working as a Software Engineer at Indeed@Singapore currently. Before that, I worked at ByteDance AI Lab based in Singapore as a Research Engineer from May 2020. Before that, I graduated from Nanyang Technological University, at School of Computer Science and Engineering with a master degree.


  • Gao, Guanyu, Linsen Dong, Huaizheng Zhang, Yonggang Wen, and Wenjun Zeng. "Content-Aware Personalised Rate Adaptation for Adaptive Streaming via Deep Video Analysis." In ICC 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), pp. 1-8. IEEE, 2019. arxiv

  • Fu, Qiang, Linsen Dong, Ziyuan Liu, Yong Luo, Yonggang Wen, Ying Li, and Ling-Yu Duan. "Incorporating Category Taxonomy in Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Image Hashing." In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), pp. 127-132. IEEE, 2019. link

  • Dong, Linsen, Guanyu Gao, Yuanlong Li and Yonggang Wen. “Baconian: A Unified Opensource Framework for Model-Based Reinforcement Learning.” ArXiv abs/1904.10762 (2019): n. pag.), arxiv, code

  • Li, Yuanlong, Linsen Dong, Yonggang Wen and Kyle Guan. “Intelligent Trainer for Model-Based Reinforcement Learning.” CoRR abs/1805.09496 (2018): n. pag. arxiv, code (under review of TNNLS)

  • Zhang, Huaizheng, Linsen Dong, Guanyu Gao, Han Hu, Yonggang Wen, and Kyle Guan. "DeepQoE: A Multimodal Learning Framework for Video Quality of Experience (QoE) Prediction." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (2020).

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