Welcome to the Lin Lab

​Our lab utilizes synthetic biology and metabolic engineering to tackle diverse challenges in human society

We conduct fundamental and applied research, ranging from biomanufacturing to healthcare

2024.07.15: Our lab welcomes Emma (黃季雅)、Tiffany (張芷庭)、Celine (李沂錞) and Gary (余東格) as master students to the lab

2024.06.28: Congratulations to Angel for receiving the "大專學生研究計畫" grant

2024.06.20: Paul gave a talk at the Taiwan International Chemical Conference 2024 held at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

2024.06.17: Our lab welcomes Noby (吳若羽) as undergraduate researchers to the lab

2024.06.11: Our lab welcomes Hao-Sen (許皓森) as summer intern to the lab

2024.05.06: Paul has achieved the status of Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

2024.04.01: Paul delivered a talk at National Central University

2024.03.13: Paul presented a talk at National Chung Hsing University

2023.12.20: Paul presented a talk titled "Engineering Metabolism for Carbon Conservation" at National Central University

2023.12.17: Paul delivered a popular science speech titled "不被認可的研究道路- mRNA疫苗的故事" at the 科學月刊 2023諾貝爾獎講座資訊

2023.12.13: Paul delivered a presentation titled "A Cell-free Self-replenishing CO2-fixing System" at the Asian Synthetic Biology Association Meeting 2023 in Awaji, Japan

2023.11.15: Our lab welcomes Rocky (陳柏揚) as undergraduate researchers to the lab

2023.09.27: Our lab welcomes Grace (林穎萱) as undergraduate researchers to the lab

2023.09.14: Our lab welcomes Angel (洪理詩)、Paul (陳柏硯) and Henry (劉恒謙) as undergraduate researchers to the lab

2023.08.01: Paul started as an assistant professor at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

2023.06.30: Paul gave a talk at the Taiwan International Chemical Conference 2023 held at National Cheng Kung University

2023.06.29: Paul received the Emerging Young Scholars award of 2030 Cross-Generation Young Scholars Program from NSTC

2022.12.05: Paul was interviewed by 經典雜誌  Read more  

2022.03.07: Paul's work about A cell-free self-replenishing CO2-fixing system was on the newspapers and magazine Read more and more  

2022.02.24: Paul's paper on A cell-free self-replenishing CO2-fixing system is now published on Nature Catalysis Read more 


We created the second-ever CO2-fixing system different from nature 
