Support offers for Ukrainian researchers in Germany and abroad


German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

The German-Ukrainian Academic Society  There is a possibility to subscribe to a regular Newsletter.

Philipp Schwartz Initiative for researchers at risk of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

German Research Foundation (DFG) lists some options for German-Ukrainian cooperation (drop-down menu "Ukraine") and opportunities for refugee researchers (e.g., Walter Benjamin positions).

pan for Ukraine, a planning and architecture network for Ukraine.


The pan-European platform EURAXESS.

The MSCA4Ukraine initiative. The next call to be open in May 2024.

World wide


Scholars at Risk Network

Science at Rist

Practical information for stay in Berlin/Germany/EU

The online platform  for scientists 

The network "Berlin helps"  (in German)

Ukr Dim (in Ukrainian)

The Official Website of Berlin (in Ukrainian)

Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (in Ukrainian)

Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in Ukrainian and other languages

German Academic Exchange Service

The German-Ukrainian Academic Society