Release your content in an exclusive fashion. Linkmerch is a great way for smaller artists to prosper from a modest size audience.

My name's Goliath Flores, and I'm the inventor of Linkmerch. I think that releasing music in this way is enjoyable, and dignified. I love music and art, and I'm committed to affecting it in a positive way. - Message me with any questions:

About Linkmerch in Bullet Points

Linkmerch works best for artists and bands who play live regularly, and arn't afraid to talk to people, or have someone who isn't afraid to talk to people (and who love print media, of course), since you’ll be making your new music exclusively available via merchandise at first.

Linkmerch gives you a talking point that isn't trite. We live in a world where there is so much information coming down the pipeline, that even if we have every intention of visiting a link that someone shared, it often gets lost in the noise.

Give your fans a unique opportunity to support you in a way that’s monetarily beneficial to you, and in-which they feel good about, because they know that the money is going to you. When your show has affected someone, they want to support you (as fans we’ve all been there!), and if they understand Linkmerch, they’ll love supporting a movement that benefits musicians as a whole. 

Is Your Music "Worth" It?

If your answer is "YES!"  then contact me to start a Linkmerch campaign!

If you value your music you'll want to make sure that it's appreciated in every way, including monetarily...

View a sample of how Linkmerch is used.

For the artist

For the fan

Linkmerch is for authors too! (Sell your e-books)

and podcasters (sell exclusive content)

and filmmakers (sell your independent movies).