Conversion linker tags are used to help tags measure click data so that conversions are measured effectively. Deploy a conversion linker tag on any page where visitors may land after they click an ad or promotion.

The conversion linker tag automatically detects the ad click information in your conversion page URLs, and stores this information in first-party cookies on your domain for web pages, and passes the data in URLs for AMP pages. If you use a conversion linker tag with Google Marketing Platform products, the conversion linker tag may also store unique identifiers in those cookies.

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Conversion linker tags in web and AMP containers can be configured to link across domains for cases where you have the landing pages and conversion pages on multiple domains. When you select this option, hyperlinks that point to a linked domain will have a linker parameter appended to the URL. A destination domain with a compatible linker tag will check inbound URLs for linker parameters. If a valid linker parameter is found, a 1st party measurement cookie is extracted and stored. Learn more.

The conversion linker tag sets ad click information in cookies named _gcl_*, such as _gcl_aw, and _gcl_gs. These cookies use the top-most domain and root level path. If you need to override any of these settings, you can do so in Linker Options.

I have a package (GitHub - dowobeha/Foma) that wraps a C library (foma/foma at master mhulden/foma GitHub). On my machines, this C library was installed by hand (using ./configure, make, make install) rather than through apt or brew. As such, there is no corresponding .pc file. The C library lives in /usr/local/lib.

But when I tried opening my package in XCode, XCode didn't know where to find the C library. So, in Package.swift, I modified the .target with linkerSettings: [LinkerSetting.unsafeFlags(["-Xlinker", "-L/usr/local/lib"])]),. That worked. Now my Foma project compiles cleanly in XCode.

This causes XCode to complain that "the target 'Foma' in product 'Foma' contains unsafe build flags." That is true. I searched online and found documentation (swift-evolution/ at master apple/swift-evolution GitHub) explaining this behavior by XCode.

Create a package for the C library so that it can be depended on as a package. This is preferable because it'll be easier to use for clients and could work for platforms where there isn't really a place for external libraries to be installed, e.g. iOS.

Thanks. Eventually I do plan on doing the first option (making a package for the C library). But that will involve considerably more effort than just wrapping the C library, and so right now I need a solution that works with the C library wrapper.

In the Package.swift for my Foma package that wraps the C library, I am already doing declaring a system library. But as far as I can tell, .systemLibrary has no mechanism for specifying a path. There is a path argument, but the docs state:

"The custom path for the target. By default, a targets sources are expected to be located in the predefined search paths, such as [PackageRoot]/Sources/[TargetName] . Do not escape the package root; that is, values like ../Foo or /Foo are invalid."

I am concerned that what I am trying to do is currently impossible. If so, that's a real shame. There should be some supported mechanism for this use case. It is especially important in terms of Swift on Linux. The Swift team is doing great work in expanding the number of supported distros. That is fantastic.

The other option is to create a .pc file. This is a good idea anyway, especially on Linux where png-config is the standard way to locate a library and provide instructions on how to use it on Linux. However:

That's because the path doesn't do what you want it to do. That path points to somewhere inside the package where you provide a modulemap and potentially a separate header file, not to where the system library itself lives.

This corresponds to the path Sources/CInotify. In that directory are a module.modulemap and a .h. The module.modulemap defines a Clang module for the given target. It basically just says "import the header file in this directory". That header file (cinotify.h) then imports the relevant headers.

Given that your library is apparently stored in /usr/local/lib, it will be found on the standard linker search path. As a result, you should only have to replicate what this user has done for inotify for your library.

Yup, so I reproduce this behaviour. I tried an equivalent build with c-ares (just the first thing I spotted in /usr/local/lib on my machine) and I got the same issue with failing to find the library. Seems like for some reason SwiftPM ignores the default build path. @NeoNacho any ideas there?

Are you sure /usr/local/lib is on the linker default search path? If the OP has to provide -L/usr/local/lib as a linker flag, it would seem that that may not be the case. Can't be ignoring search path completely since the system libraries are being linked without specifying /usr/lib. That also squares with my experience with Xcode at least where /usr/local/lib is concerned.

We are always building using an SDK, which will end up passing -syslibroot to the linker. I think all default paths will be relative to that, so we are probably looking in /usr/local/lib, but not in the one on the host but the one in the SDK.

I'm not sure if it's a bug, but it was certainly unexpected for several folks on this thread, so would be great if you could file it. At the very least, this seems like something that should be documented.

On macOS, /usr/include does not exist. /usr/lib contains only the libraries necessary for the operating system and supplied Apple applications. Most of the support expected by a developer actually resides in either:,

When developing programs for the command line, my first instinct is to assume that my programming language compiler will look in the standard locations, such as /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib, and the corresponding include/ subdirs.

If swiftc is instead looking somewhere else (like /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr), that is very unexpected behavior. At a minimum, that behavior should be very prominently documented, as it will almost certainly confuse developers used to working on Linux and similar OSes.

/usr/local is included in the default search paths for both header and libraries, so that is there. Catalina is the first macOS that locked down parts of /usr (or /, for that matter), for security reasons. The compilers (clang/swiftc) do the appropriate mappings to all of the SDK /usr directories so that it looks like what would expect from a POSIX/Unix developer experience when using the compilers. There are compiler flags like -isystemroot that allow you to alter that convention, if you want.

Google Ads conversion linker is kind of unrelated to Piwik Pro itself. From my experience it can impact mostly Safari users when you are using simple Google Ads conversion code, and it was made to counter apple inteligent tracking protection.

With the new version of AI Manager v1.1.0.54 it's constantly nagging me to relocate my folder when launching the app. Since I am using MSFS Addons Linker. Can someone please walk me through the exact steps on what to do?

I have all my addons installed in D:\Community Addons\ and I have made a folder called Traffic inside there that I would like to place aig-aitraffic-oci-beta folder. I know someone told me how to do this with the older version of AI Manager, but since this is a newer version, I just want to be sure I'm doing this step correctly. I would hate to start all over again and redownload all the flight plans.

Do I just manually move my aig-aitraffic-oci-beta folder to D:\Community Addons\Traffic\ and then enable it with MSFS Addons linker so that it places the proper shortcut in my actual community folder? And then what steps do I need to do inside of AI Manager's settings?

I tried going to my settings for the Fenix Livery Manager to set it to my custom location so that I can use MSFS Addons Linker. But for some reason it's not working. Whenever downloading the liveries, it only shows up 2 json files. Anyone know how to properly set this up?

What I did was download the Fenix liveries to the MSFS Community folder. I have MSFS data set up in folders on a different drive. So,I have a folder for the Fenix 320 and a folder for A320 liveries. Move the files from the Community folder to the new folders Check them off in the Addons Linker and it should load into the simulator ok.

Okay, move or copy the folder over to the new location? If you move the original folder, then when you download new liveries using the Fenix Livery Manager, it won't find the folder to download the liveres to I'm assuming?

If I drag the fnx_liveries or whatever it is called into my addon linker folder and enable it from there, will it create the sym_links for that folder on my second hard drive? So that the liveries I DL from the Fenix app show up there?

I can't seem to activate/deactivate single liveries with the B2 - it's one in, all in (I have the same issue with PMDG liveries) I had no problems with activating single liveries in the previous Fenix version, and still activate single liveries in all my other aircraft with the addonlinker The folder structure in B2 seems to have changed, preventing this, or what am I doing wrong with the B2. 152ee80cbc

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