In the service I sat in, Joel did MC-ing, Ben lead the worship, mother took the offering (well worth a listen ) and Brian did the preaching. It was very clear as the service progressed, Hillsong United and Hillsong the church are one in the same. There is no separation between the two. In the same way Jesus Culture is a ministry of Bethel Church, Hillsong United is a ministry of Hillsong Church.

From a marketing and communication perspective, this is genius! Each one is designed to feed the other. Hear the song in church? Buy the album. Like the album? Come to a Concert. Like the Concert? Come to a Conference. Like the Conference? Attend our college, join our church, etc.

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My goal of writing this is to challenge churches and worship leaders to think seriously about not only WHAT they are singing, but to also consider where their songs come from and who (and what) they may be unintentionally endorsing in the process.

In effect, there are two sermons that go on during Sunday morning, one that is sung, and one that is preached. While we would never put these men in our pulpits, we in effect, invite them to lead our people in worship every Sunday.

Hillsong is a nauseating load of junk, never ever liked them, Houston came to Madrid once i was close up, it was disgusting. Us and them. ALL the pastors in the banquet hall, and the poor out in the canteen. The singers who were spanish were on massive ego trips, and a load of other stuff. no one mentioned sin, or repentance, but a lot about money. I always thought Darlene Scheck or what ever she is called has an obscene mouth. dont ask me why, i tried to push it aside as being critical, but the womans mouth is obscene. I stopped going to church years ago. I listen to Derek Prince and the like.

Romans 16:17-18 KJV Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. (18) For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

Sorry. You missed the point. Every Christian is called to discern the spirits and the message! Jesus came to divide, set brother against brother (His words) with His Truth. Jesus is our high priest and he is not down with people mis representing who He is and what He said. Jesus did not preach the WOF, prosperity gospel. There was a day when the AOG denounced it. Shame on them for not making a stand and for giving in to the almighty dollar. Shame on you for not using discernment.

Jesus Christ is NOT the focus at this church Nathan. This church has one heck of a sleight of hand. How do I know? I did they social media in NYC and stepped down after I saw what went on behind the scenes and was absolutely and utterly disgusted.

Galatians 1:6-9

6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel-

7 not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ.

8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.

9 As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.

The writer of the article who wrote against the Hillsong Church seems to have a very strong personal agenda of professional jealousy against Hillsong Church. Through the death of my wife, I have always taken great comfort from the Hillsongs Church. If you have so much issue with Hillsongs the why dont you do what the Bible says when it instructs us that if we have problem with another christian brother that we should go ourselves directly to that person to sort the matter out. This all sounds like a very strong case of professional jealousy of breaking down another christian brother because you are bitter about how God is using the Hillsong ministry. Why must I stop singing Hillsong just because one bitter man hates Hillsongs? That sounds so dumb that I must now throw away all Hillsongs CDS and DVDs just because of one little man in the world who has now got a pet hate against Hillsongs. You seem to be hiding behind conservative doctrine but your true face looks bitter, angry, resentful and full of jealousy. Why tell the world about how much you hate Hillsongs? Why dont you do what Scripture in Matthew 18 tells you to do to go and sort it out with the leader of the Church yourself? Why impose your bitterness and outrage against another Christian brother on all of us who are seeking to live a God glorifying life? Leave behind your weight of sin and focus on Christ. This is the commandment from the writer of the Hebrews. If you claim to be so based on sound doctrine then why dont you take heed to the Matthew 18 principle and the instruction given from Hebrews that I have already mentioned? The very fact that you have gone about this in a non Christ like manner tells me that you yourself dont belong to Christ. Hows that one for you?

all well said.i have one word for hillsong, God bless hillsong and they will continue to leads lives to christ.i see nothing unscriptural about them nor their songs.when ever iam down in spirit all I need is a powerful spirit filled hillsong track and iam back good with God my can u judge a church by attending just one service and u think u understand everything going on there.

pls hillsong I has a request if youre reading these comments and post please come to my contry I love you guys so much and I look forward to singing Aftermath to our Lord JESUS when I see HIM on that day.GOD bless Hillsong

you are blind. they help no one unless it is to your bank account and to have plastic surgery

and your reply reveals bitterness in your own heart

there is nothing un Christlike for exposing fraud you need to look at what Jesus said to the scribes and pharisees. I know a lot about them and they are not helping anyone unless you count sitting about singing bland songs helpful.

IF you try to approach them as you suggest they get security guards to throw you out and if you post anything that questions them on the internet Hillsong get their lawyers on you threatening to sue you for defamation.

Sorry kay i know you are sincere in what you are saying yet you are so so in error. Have a look at the way Jesus himself or the apostle Paul handled and spoke to false teachers such as brian prosperity another gospel man. They were not as Nice about it as you think. Preaching another gospel is a most serious matter.

Sorry but you are mistaken. They live the lives of Footballers. Lavish houses, audis, designer clothes. Preach prospetity gospel / word of faith.

I will say that unfortunately they are not alone. What some powerful Christian pastors do is they think that the blessing is for them. So they spend money on expensive schools for their kids. Live in houses that are way above their needs. God meets our needs. Our Greed meets our wants.

Until Hillsong apologises for its horrific judgement in not reporting a confessed paedophile to the Police. Read the unbiased report from the state inquest. It is quite shocking the lies and half truths that were shown in black and white.

i am really finding it difficult to understand the concerns of the writer of the article. The Lord Jesus Christ I believe can be made known to the rest of the world through lots of channels. Movies, Songs, Schools, Churches are but a few. For Brian Houston not talking about sin, death of Christ, or the resurrection of Christ at one Church program doesnt mean he he and his Church is against it. And who said the Bible is against Women being leaders in the church. i have listen to lots of hillsong songs preaching the importance of the death and resurrection of Jesus and i believe that through their music ministry, color conference and the others, people have been introduced to Christ. you want a reason to criticize something or someone, study them well because if you did, I believe you wont write this article at the first place.


With so many of contemporary Christian churches, I feel what is being lost is the simple, logical gospel and the illumination of the historical facts surrounding it. They seems to be more about developing emotion, riding the emotional roller coaster, and needing to feel good in order to feel good about God and themselves in the present (as several Hillsong defenders have alluded to on this blog post). Dubious application also seems to be huge these days (gay marriage etc.)

I first heard of there issues from Jacob him..I will listen to the gal sing every once and a her voice and hear nothing wrong in lyrics.Christ will even use the false to bring people to him.dont listen to therechurch services ect.rather go by ones that speak word for word precept upon precept.but as the world is some 1 always will say there wrong.where my gift of discernment comes in

This is a very well constructed and truthful blog. Our theology needs to be rooted in the foundational doctrines of the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Hillsong makes an impact all over the world. However, if their message continue to be void of the cross of Christ Jesus, then their labor will remain in vain.

Your words are going down the deadly path of liberation theology: the idea that God favors the poor and oppressed, essentially distorting Christianity to fit the confines of Marxism. Marx was an atheistic Jew, though. God views and treats all people equally. Plain and simple:

If anyone teaches otherwise and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, they are conceited and understand nothing. They have an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions and constant friction between people of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain, (1 Timothy 6:3-5 NIV). 152ee80cbc

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