Is LinkedIn Data Scraping Legal? Important Insights You Should Know

At the time when I am writing this blog, LinkedIn has more than 740 million active users including CEOs, decision-makers, business owners, influencers, B2B marketers, and millions of other professionals belonging to 148 industries. That means this platform is a huge professional database which is very beneficial, especially for B2B marketers and businesses. Many of them are already using some advanced LinkedIn automation tools to scrape LinkedIn data. But is it legal? Does LinkedIn allow that?

Does LinkedIn Allow Data Scraping?

Data scraping on LinkedIn may sound like a harsh concept. LinkedIn has a very smart algorithm, and it keeps on introducing new restrictions from time to time to limit the users' actions.

This is very problematic especially for B2B marketers and businesses who have to perform commercial activity on LinkedIn. Many of them perform tasks manually while others use LinkedIn automation tools or bots to scrape data on a mass level. LinkedIn has mentioned in its terms and services that the use of bots or LinkedIn automation tools is prohibited.

In order to protect our members' data and our website, we don't permit the use of any third-party software, including "crawlers", bots, browser plug-ins, or browser extensions (also called "add-ons"), that scrapes, modifies the appearance of, or automates activity on LinkedIn's website.

However, even if you want to do things manually, there are certain limits set by LinkedIn and it restricts or bans your account when you try to go beyond them.

What is data scraping on LinkedIn? What do you need to know?

In simple words, data scraping involves the use of the best LinkedIn automation tools to automatically extract and structure the data taken from LinkedIn profiles.

Ideally, LinkedIn automation tools extract data and then convert them into a usable format, such as a spreadsheet where you access all your data quickly.

Before the advent of the latest LinkedIn automation tools, users like you and I had to devote a lot of time, energy, and resources and hunch over the computer screen for a long time to scrape important data.

However, LinkedIn doesn’t allow that. Though many businesses have raised their voices against such restrictions, LinkedIn is a professional network, and it should allow users to use the best LinkedIn automation tools to scrape data from the platform. However, LinkedIn says that overactivity is increasing spam on the platform as more and more users are complaining about it.

LinkedIn wants you to know all the people personally and spend some time understanding their needs. That’s why it has put restrictions so no one can perform overactivity.

Is there any solution to scrape data on LinkedIn?

When there is a problem, there’s always a solution.

No doubt that data scraping activities are being monitored with compliance to GDPR which has defined rules to collect someone’s personal data.

Data scraping can have legal implications such as when someone tries to steal your data like password, etc.

However, there are some really great LinkedIn automation tools that scrape the data freely available on the profiles of the prospects.

These free LinkedIn automation tools are fully GDPR compliant and scrape the public data while adhering to the rules and regulations.

There are no complications involved as these tools simply automate the data scraping process so you can use that data to run more effective and successful campaigns.

For example, when you select from the top LinkedIn automation tool 2021, it will automate the profile searches, connection requests, and scrape profile data on your behalf.

Thus, you can leverage data on LinkedIn like never before with the help of LinkedIn automation tools while remaining within the limits. The possibilities of growing your businesses are endless when you have the right data in the store.