To my valued customers, new-found acquaintances, and friends:

The time has come for me to write the last paragraph of the Linito Cycle story. 

A little over 10 years ago, Chapter One was the plan to open and run my own bicycle repair shop. It was sparked by my lifelong passion for bicycle riding and fueled by an equally lifelong experience with bicycle maintenance--most of which was self-directed learning from being out on the trails. Opening a shop out of my garage was an easy decision and economical for both myself and my customers. Low overhead, reduced operating costs, and purchasing only needed parts on a customer-by-customer basis was a win for everyone. Over the years, I considered the move to a brick and mortar shop. Thing is, I am old school. The thought of having to raise my costs as a result did not resonate with why I started the business in the first place. I remained home based and continued to provide affordable service. From the outpouring of positive feedback from customers both written in reviews and personally conveyed, it was the right choice.

In a million years, Lisa and I could not imagine the wealth we would gain from this venture--and I am talking beyond monetary wealth. We have had the privilege to participate in community events in Lombard, Villa Park, Elmhurst, and more. Our booth at the Villa Park French Market was worth getting up early on Sunday to greet fellow cyclists. The opportunity to support not-for-profit charities such as Working Bikes, Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans, and Villa Park VFW Post 2801 was humbling and rewarding. Perhaps the highest level of wealth and gratitude that we feel stems from the friendships we realized from every connection. 

THANK YOU, loyal customers and lifelong friends! 

Onto my next Chapter. Do not fret. There is some strumming and picking in the works. Want to know more? Drop me an email:

Please continue to support cycling