The Linguistic Risk-Taking Passport

For English as a Second Language Learners

 A SPEAQ Special Project Initiative, in Collaboration with LEARN


Welcome to the Linguistic Risk-Taking Initiative. This passport will help you discover new and creative ways of using English. It will be an interesting resource in your language learning journey. This English as a Second Language version is a collaboration of LEARN, SPEAQ, LBPSB, SWLSB, CSSMI and CSDL. 

The Linguistic Risk-Taking Initiative and Passport were originally conceived by Prof. Nikolay Slavkov in collaboration with a team of professors, students and staff members at the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI) of the University of Ottawa. For more details or for partnership information, please consult the following web page:

Linguistic Risk-Taking

A linguistic risk is an authentic, every-day communication task that some language learners may shy away from and may need special encouragement to engage in. Research has shown that some learners hesitate to take risks and do not always benefit from the extra opportunities to practice their second official language outside of the language classroom.

Real-life communication in a second language is not stress-free. It may involve “risk factors” such as making mistakes, being misunderstood, misunderstanding others, taking on a different identity, changing language use habits, and so on. That is why some learners tend to stay within the comfort zone of their preferred official language when going about their daily business and thus miss out on opportunities to “live” bilingually.

The Linguistic Risk-Taking Initiative intends to encourage you to take various risks that will boost your confidence in your second official language. 

Passport for Elementary Cycle 3 and Secondary Cycle 1

Family Passport for Elementary, Cycles 1-2

What ESL teachers are saying about the Passport!

Coming soon.



University of Ottawa

Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute of Canada 

Centre de services scolaire de Laval

Centre de services scolaire des Milles-Îles

 Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board

Lester B. Pearson School Board

Elizabeth Alloul, ESL Project Leader: