How to build a Linear Actuator powered by Solenoids and controlled by an Adafruit Metro M4
Hello! My name is Eugene So. I am a Master's student at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) majoring in Electrical Engineering. This website describes how to build your own linear actuator or motor using a pair of solenoid valves and an Arduino microcontroller. The linear actuator I am describing was built at NJIT in 1994 by a Master's student named Alex Rokhvarg under the direction of Dr. Bernard Friedland. My Master's project was to retrofit the controller for this apparatus. I used the Adafruit Metro M4 as the new controller. Here is a video demonstrating the linear actuator.
Table of Contents:
I. Background Theory - This linear actuator, which employs solenoids, is an unconventional design. Most linear actuators use some other powering mechanism such as motors, pneumatic, or hydraulics. This web pages will explain why solenoids cannot normally be used to precisely position objects.
II. Project Overview - This is the history of this prototype, beginning with its creation in 1994. Here, I detail my part of the project.
III. Description of Hardware - This section details the mechanical construction of the linear actuator prototype. If you want to build one yourself, scan this section in detail.
IV. System Model - This section details the mathematical modeling of the linear actuator's control system.
Now, it is time for me to note that this project is not for the typical hobbyist. You will, at the bare minimum, need to have a basic understanding of calculus to understand the system model. If you want to be able to follow all the computations, it is preferable that you have completed undergraduate courses in control systems and automation, as well as all of the mathematical courses typically associated with electrical engineering.
V. Retrofitting the Electronic Controller - Here, I detail the Arduino code I wrote in order to implement the controlling algorithm. I also showcase some Matlab code that will capture the response data in real-time. I also detail the electronic circuit that interfaces the Metro M4 to the motion plant.
VI. Results - Here, I showcase some oscillograms and Matlab plots that illustrate the step response of this control system.
VII. Summary - This wraps up my presentation and has some suggestions for future work.
External Links
Code library written by Adafruit to manage on-board flash memory
Code library that can set up a file allocation table on an Adafruit Arduino product
Circuitpython USB Flashing Format file that allows computer to read flash memory contents
Complete Arduino sketch that enables the Metro M4 to control the motion plant
Matlab script that can receive the data from the Adafruit Metro M4 and plot the data
Matlab script that can plot data that was previously saved to a CSV file
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