For Teachers

Information mostly for teachers; NZQA information and useful links for generating resources

Please feel free to use this site however you wish, with the provisos that:

  • downloaded PDF files are unmodified, and retain the link to this site;
  • none of these resources are re-used as part of a site that requires a subscription or fee;
  • no task or practice assessment can be used as or modified to become actual assessments; and
  • if you find errors in any of the content, you email to let me know!

If you have resources you can contribute, suggestions for improvement or anything else to add, please get in contact.

Achievement Criteria breakdown

At each level, the student has selected and used methods demonstrating knowledge of concepts and terms and communicated using appropriate representations. For Merit, this is "using relational thinking", and for Excellence this is "using extended abstract thinking".


  • Use, and define where necessary, appropriate variables for the problem.

Achieved with Merit

As for Achieved, but also:

Achieved with Excellence

As for Merit, but also some of:

NZQA, Ministry of Education, and other 'official' stuff

Achievement Standard


New Zealand Curriculum Achievement Objective M8-4

TKI (exemplar tasks and conditions of assessment)


Link to all of my other websites in one place.