"Language Training and Refugees' Integration"
Mette Foged, Linea Hasager, Giovanni Peri, Jacob Nielsen Arendt & Iben Bolvig, 2024, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 106 (4), 1157-1166.
Earlier circulated as "Integrating Refugees: Language Training or Work-First Incentives?"
Media VoxEU | Uddannelsesbladet | NB Beskæftigelse | Altinget Replication Replication files
"Does Granting Refugee Status to Family-Reunified Women Improve Their Integration?"
Linea Hasager, 2024, Journal of Public Economics, 234, 105119.
Replication Replication files
"Comparing the Effects of Policies for the Labor Market Integration of Refugees"
Mette Foged, Linea Hasager & Giovanni Peri, 2024, Journal of Labor Economics, 42 (S1), S335-S377.
Media VoxEU | Atlantico Replication Replication files
"Intergenerational Spillover Effects of Language Training for Refugees"
Mette Foged, Linea Hasager, Giovanni Peri, Jacob Nielsen Arendt & Iben Bolvig, 2023, Journal of Public Economics, 220, 104840.
Replication Replication files
"The Role of Labor Market Institutions in the Impact of Immigration on Wages and Employment"
Mette Foged, Linea Hasager & Vasil Yasenov, 2022, The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 124 (1), 164-213.
Replication Replication files
Working Papers
Sick of Your Poor Neighborhood? Quasi-Experimental Evidence on Neighborhood Effects on Health (Linea Hasager & Mia Herløv Jørgensen). IZA Discussion Paper No. 16949. CEBI Working Paper 02-21 (older working paper). (Submitted).
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Selected Work in Progress
Citizenship, Integration and Crime (Linea Hasager & Mikkel Mertz).
Backlash Effects of Denmark's Ghetto Plan (Mette Foged, Teresa Freitas-Monteiro & Linea Hasager).
Early Daycare Enrollment of Children in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods (Linea Hasager & Mette Foged).