Teaching Philosophy

 Embracing Individuality in the Classroom

My teaching philosophy revolves around the belief that all students are unique individuals with specific learning needs. I believe that as a high school level art educator, it is my responsibility to recognize each students’ differences and create a learning environment that caters to the diverse needs of my students. I recognize that each student brings their own strengths, interests, and challenges into the classroom and I will create an environment that practices the theory that art is for everyone. I will lead my teaching with the understanding that everyone is an artist in their own way. By acknowledging and celebrating their individuality, I aim to empower students to embrace their unique creative voices.

I strive to create an inclusive classroom where every student feels valued, heard, and confident. To address the diverse needs of my students, I will employ a variety of projects that offer flexibility, allowing each student to create art that represents themselves. Art is subjective, as is each student’s perspective and ideas.  I understand that some students may thrive in a structured, organized environment, while others excel in a more open-ended approach. Offering a range of instructional methods, such as visual demonstrations, hands-on exercises, and collaborative projects, I aim to engage students in a meaningful way that is suitable for all learning styles. By providing multiple avenues for learning, all students will have the opportunity to thrive.

A growth mindset is essential to learning and I believe that all students are capable of growth. I will encourage them to embrace challenges, persevere through obstacles, and views adversities as learning opportunities. Their responsibility as a student is to actively engage in class and expand their artistic horizons. Influenced by the concept of the Transformative Learning Theory, I believe students will adjust their thinking as new information is presented. Engaging in class is necessary for students to exercise the application of this theory. For students to fulfill their responsibilities in the classroom, it is my responsibility to provide them with the knowledge and guidance that assists them in achieving artistic success. The classroom functions as a community where we all must work together and uphold our responsibilities in order to foster an environment that provides a positive, prosperous environment for everyone.

Every student brings their own strengths, interests, and challenges into the classroom and they deserve an environment that is tailored to their individual needs and encourages a growth mindset. It is my responsibility as educator to provide an inclusive environment that adapts to the ever-evolving needs of each student while encouraging a sense of community through collaboration and creativity. By celebrating individuality, I aim to empower my students to embrace their unique creative voices and provide them with the opportunity to expand their artistic horizons. It is my responsibility to recognize each students’ differences and create a learning environment that caters to the diverse needs of my students. By acknowledging and celebrating their individuality, I aim to empower students to embrace their unique creative voices.