My name is Lindsey Luis, and this is why I am running for the Vancouver School Board, Position #4

Our community continues to grow each year, and with that comes new perspectives and increased diversity. Our school board should embrace and reflect these changes therefore, I am running to represent all students and underserved families in order to lead a new vision for the Vancouver School District.

As a low income, first generation Latina, and a recent graduate of Vancouver Public Schools, I have an insightful understanding of the needs and issues affecting our underrepresented families. My experience in our classrooms is recent, direct, and personal. I know the challenges our students face, especially those from diverse backgrounds, because I contended with them too.

I am proud of our school district, but I realize it can be improved. I have spent the past two years organizing fellow students in political actions, running voter registration drives, have served as the National Youth President for the League of United Latin American Citizens. I have been committed to improving our world, but I know change starts at home. Our students are the future of our community, and with your help I will advocate for them to create a brighter today and tomorrow.