03/14/24 20:30 (AR)                                                           

Lindsay Lohan tells to Bustle why she left Hollywood

The actress told to Bustle why she left hollywood for over a decade 


This article may contain parts from: Lindsay's Back!

Picture: Bustle

Today, Bustle Magazine published an insightful piece delving into why the beloved actress Lindsay Lohan chose to step away from the limelight for over a decade, only to recently make a triumphant return.

In her candid interview, the 37-year-old icon expressed her frustration with how her work was overshadowed by relentless paparazzi attention during her younger years. "I feel like some of my work got overshadowed by paparazzi and all that kind of stuff when I was younger, and that's kind of annoying," Lohan revealed. "I wish that part didn't happen."

Reflecting on the tumultuous period when her personal life often dominated headlines, Lohan confessed, "I feel like that kind of took on a life of its own. So that's why I wanted to disappear. I was like, 'Unless there's no story here, they're not going to focus on just my work.'"

The press and paparazzi weren't always kind to Lohan, often fixating on her personal struggles, including addiction issues and family turmoil. Reports often sensationalized her appearance, leading to damaging speculation about her health and well-being.

Despite the challenging times, Lohan maintains a healthy perspective on the evolution of media and social dynamics. "Social media is so different now than when I was younger," she noted. "Everyone has control of their own story." Recognizing the pitfalls of excessive media consumption, Lohan admitted, "I don't really read stuff that comes out either. 'Cause I know how it works, so there's no point."

As she embarks on her comeback journey, Lohan is driven by a desire to create meaningful work that resonates with her audience while also setting a positive example for her young son. "I want to do things that my son can see," she affirmed. And like any loving parent, she harbors hopes for expanding her family, expressing her desire for her son to experience the joy of sibling companionship.

Lohan's interview serves as a poignant reminder of the challenges faced by celebrities under the glare of the public eye, while also highlighting her resilience and determination to reclaim her narrative. As fans eagerly anticipate her upcoming projects, it's clear that Lindsay Lohan's story is far from over, and her journey continues to inspire and captivate audiences worldwide.