21 - 22 Daily Protocols


  1. School bus windows will be open as often and frequently as possible. Inclement weather may be the only time windows are not fully open.

  2. Students are required to wear masks on school buses and at school bus stops. (Masks must be worn for the ENTIRE bus ride.)

  3. Unfortunately, the District can not fully reopen and socially distance on our school buses. Students will be seated 3 students to a three seater and 2 students to a two seater.

  4. Where possible family members will be assigned to the same bus seats for cohorting purposes.

Hallways and Classrooms:

  1. Students will be socially distanced by 3 feet whenever possible in classrooms. The 6 feet social distancing guideline has been revised to 3 feet.

  2. Students seated at round tables will still have partitions in the middle of the table separating students. (Three students will sit on one side and three students will sit on the other side.)

  3. Social distancing markers will be placed on the hallway floors to encourage students to continue to socially distance as much as possible in the hallways.

Lunch Time!

  1. The District is planning to allow for as much social distancing as possible.

A. Elementary: Students will be eating in their classrooms wherever supervision is available. This will help the District to keep cohorts together. By having some students eat in their classrooms, the District will be able to spread out seating of any classes/students who eat the cafeteria.

Students will receive lunches in a brown bag. Unfortunately, students will not be selecting food from a cafeteria line.

B. Middle School student lunchroom procedures will be adjusted by grade. Additional classroom space, temporary classroom units and the basement will be utilized to assist with social distancing.

  1. The District will encourage social distancing as much as possible; however, we can not guarantee students will be socially distanced by 3 feet during lunchtime. More information will come from your child's building Principal.

  1. We will not be using a self-serve food model. Students will also not be permitted to share food. (Brown bag lunches will be used to help with distribution at the elementary level.)


  1. Students will NOT use lockers during the 2021 - 2022 school year.

  2. It will be expected for all students to use a bookbag to transport their Chromebook, texts, and school resources from class-to-class.

  3. Students are expected to adhere to the uniform dress code throughout 2021 - 2022. Students will carry their coats with them as they travel to different classes. Jackets/coats may be hung on the back of student chairs. (Sweatshirts may be worn at LHS and LMS.)

Physical Education:

  1. Students will be expected to wear their gym uniform to school on gym days. (Students should NOT wear gym uniforms on non-gym days.)

  2. Students will NOT be changing for gym during the 2021 - 2022 school year.

  3. School locker rooms and lockers will not be used during school day throughout 2021 - 2022.

  4. Physical education uniforms should be worn on physical education days only.