August 14, 2023 Meeting Minutes

August 14, 2023

1. Meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m.

2. Officer’s Reports

3. Event Reports-None

4. Principal’s Report

Principal Webb said thank you for the Back to School Bash, and that it went well.

5. Old Business

Back to School Bash

-There were 170 kids who attended.

-If we do another event like this in the future, we may want to consider multiple food and snow cone lines.  Someone mentioned that there could have been an issue with someone with a no contact order.  Teachers will let us know if there is a child with that situation. We will also end the cut off date for sales at midnight the night before.  It was too much to try and get everyone added the morning of the event.  We will share the students attending with teachers and the office to be sure everyone who sent in a form is signed up.  

6. New Business

A. Fall Carnival

It will be on October 21 from 3 to 8 p.m.  Right now there are 13-14 vendors signed up.  We’re also planning a chili supper.  The chili supper has to be cooked at the school.  It will be chili, drink, possibly cornbread and maybe a dessert.  Details are still being determined.  Someone mentioned that Chartwells might be able to provide items.  Classes could bring in items as well including cans of pop, water, etc. Silent auction baskets will be by grade level this year, and the grade with the most donations will have an extra snack.  Carlen Guthrie will contact Chartwells about pricing for the chili supper.  We will need a minimum of 50 volunteers.  It was suggested to check with Beta Club at BNL in case they need volunteer hours.  There will also be raffles.  We already have 16-17 prizes.  We need people to contact local businesses to request donations.  Mrs. Hooten will hand out our vendor flyer to people at the farmer’s market.  We will check in to having the bounce house waivers online to save time.  We plan for the bounce houses to be outside, but if there’s rain, they may have to move to the gym.  In that situation, vendors would line the hallways to the cafeteria.  Needmore did a book fair at the same time as their event.  Carlen Guthrie will check into it.  This event combines the fall festival with the Christmas Bazaar

B. Santa Shop

Patricia Cox is in charge of the Santa Shop, and will need volunteers.  There was discussion about keeping it open after the Kindergarten gingerbread houses and possibly getting a Santa for that time.   Diana will check with Santa was previously hired that was $50.  Other parents will also check on possible Santas.

C. Cookies and Canvas Family Engagement Night 9/14/23

Carlen Guthrie will check with Mrs. Bullington to see if she could help.  We discussed letting the teacher pick a child who would not normally get to attend the event, to attend with the teacher.  A parent permission slip would be needed.  We will see about Class Dojo reminders for events.

D. Parent’s Night Out 9/8 and 11/10

It will be from 6-9 p.m. $5 for food (pizza), movie, etc.  We will need volunteers.  Siblings will be allowed as long as they are potty trained.  Someone mentioned setting up tables for eating then starting the movie, maybe even a schedule.  We also want to be sure there is a microphone.  Children of volunteers will attend for free.

E. Fall parties

-Head Room parents will be contacting parents about parties.  Providing snacks last year was too much for the PTO.  We’re moving that back to room parents to coordinate.  If there are not donations received for the party, we do not want the expense to fall solely on the room parent.  PTO will help provide things if that is an issue.

7. Announcements

-We are using Cheddar Up for online payments.  More than 40 people paid for the Back to School Bash online.

-PTO meetings will be quarterly

-Head room parents will be receiving that information soon.  We are finalizing that information.

-We need to send teachers and staff an email letting them know they can sign up for events.  Some people may not see the form in the lounge.

-Background checks:  Every parent volunteering during the school day or attending a party must have a background check on file.

8. Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.