

  • IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2021 Workshop on "Rate-Splitting (Multiple Access) for 6G" (co-chaired with Prof. Bruno Clerckx, Prof. Mérouane Debbah, Prof. Daniel B. da Costa, Dr. Peiying Zhu).

  • IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2021 Workshop on "Rate-Splitting (Multiple Access) for Beyond 5G" (co-chaired with Prof. Bruno Clerckx, Prof. Daniel B. da Costa).

  • IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2020 Workshop on "Rate-Splitting and Robust Interference Management for Beyond 5G" (co-chaired with Prof. Bruno Clerckx, Prof. Wonjae Shin, Dr. Zhaohui Yang).

  • IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2020 Workshop on "Rate-Splitting and Robust Interference Management for Beyond 5G" (co-chaired with Prof. Bruno Clerckx, Prof. Eduard Jorswieck).


  • 我于ISWCS 2021年度大会发表题为 “Rate Splitting Multiple Access for 6G” 的辅导讲座 ( Prof. Bruno ClerckxDr. Onur Dizdar一起)

  • 我于ICC 2021年度大会发表题为 “Rate Splitting Multiple Access for Beyond 5G: Principles, Recent Advances, and Future Research Trends 的辅导讲座 (和 Prof. Bruno Clerckx一起)。

  • 我于VTC 2021年度春季大会发表题为 “Rate Splitting Multiple Access for Beyond 5G: Principles, Recent Advances, and Future Research Trends的辅导讲座 (和 Prof. Bruno Clerckx、Prof. Aydin Sezgin一起)。

  • 我于WCNC 2021年度大会发表题为 “Rate Splitting Multiple Access for Beyond 5G: Principles, Recent Advances, and Future Research Trends的辅导讲座 (和 Prof. Bruno Clerckx一起)。

  • 我于PIMRC 2020年度大会发表题为 “Rate Splitting Multiple Access for 6G” 的辅导讲座 (和 Prof. Bruno Clerckx一起)。


  • IEEE Globecom 2021

  • IEEE ICC 2021

  • IEEE WCNC 2021

  • IEEE ICC 2020

  • IEEE PIMRC 2020