Other activities


At LIMS, we celebrate not only our pursuit for excellence in science, but also our endeavors at the convergence of science and arts!! We wholeheartedly embrace "outside the lab" activities, celebrating our diverse interests including music (from classical to metal), photography (from street to deep sky), painting (from doodles to graphical abstracts), DIY models (from blinking LEDs to drones) or any activity that fuels the creativity of curious minds. If stalwarts of modern science like Wolfgang Pauli and Niels Bohr couldn't stop themselves from admiring the intricacies of a kid's tipping top, or if Mr. Feynman could find time to play drums every now and then... what's stopping us!

This section is dedicated to showcasing the adventures of LIMS members beyond the laboratory's confines, nurturing the passion that keeps our community lively...

Through our telescope...

M42 Orion Nebula 

(40 min exposure at ISO 800, LGX8)

Through our telescope...

M51 Whirlpool interacting spiral galaxy

(70 min exposure at ISO 1600, N6D)

Through our telescope...

M31 Andromeda galaxy

(30 min exposure at ISO 800, N6D)

Through our telescope...

The Moon

(Short exposure at ISO 200, N6D)

More updates soon...