Call for abstracts
The deadline for submissions has passed. Please find below our original call for abstracts.
Two-day workshop on the 28th and 29th of November at Collège de France (Paris) on the limits of fiction, organized by François Recanati and Merel Semeijn. We invite submissions of abstracts for presentations in philosophy, semantics and/or other fields that are related to the workshop theme.
Workshop theme
This workshop brings together researchers that explore the limits of the concept of ‘fiction’, or the limits of fiction itself. Topics of interest include:
What are limit cases of fiction?
What phenomena can we explain by reference to the ‘fictive stance’ and what phenomenon can we not explain in this way?
Investigations into non-standard/understudied fictions (e.g., metafiction, irony, video-games, virtual reality, fanfiction, etc.) and their theoretical ramifications for philosophy of fiction in general
The fiction/non-fiction border
The relation between fiction and concepts such as ‘illusion’, ‘deception’, ‘dreams’, etc.
The fictional ‘periphery’
Discourses that are not part of a fiction (i.e., not ‘fictional discourse’), but for which the concept of ‘fiction’ or a ‘fictive stance’ may still have some explanatory power (e.g., metafictional, parafictional, interfictional, counterfictional discourse, etc.).
Stacie Friend (University of Edinburgh)
Enrico Terrone (Università degli Studi di Genova)
Submission guidelines
Abstracts should be anonymized and may include no more than 1500 words (excluding references). They should be submitted as an attachment to an email addressed to Please mention (1) your name, (2) title of your talk, (3) affiliation, and (4) your contact details in the body of your email.
Deadline: April 15, 2024 at 23:59
Notification of acceptance will be sent in the second half of May at the latest. Participation is free. All accepted presenters will be invited to a conference dinner.
Feel free to email us in case you have questions: