You are looking for \lim_{x \to 2} f(x) = 5. This has to be used in math mode which can be either inline mode (where the limit is placed as a subscript so that the inter line spacing of the paragraph is not perturbed):

This is much along the lines of taking a Cauchy sequence of rationals, which "describes" a limit point, and using the entire Cauchy sequence to represent this limit point, even if that limit point does not exist in our original set.

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So the elements of the inverse limit are "consistent sequences" of partial approximations, and the inverse limit is a way of taking all these "partial approximations" and combine them into a "target object."

More generally, assume that you have a system of, say, rings, $\{R_i\}$, indexed by an directed set $(I,\leq)$ (so that for all $i,j\in I$ there exists $k\in I$ such that $i,j\leq k$), and a system of maps $f_{rs}\colon R_s\to R_r$ whenever $r\leq s$ which are "consistent" (if $r\leq s\leq t$, then $f_{rs}\circ f_{st} = f_{rt}$), and let's assume that the $f_{rs}$ are surjective, as they were in the example of the $5$-adics. Then you can think of the $R_i$ as being "successive approximations" (with a higher indexed $R_i$ as being a "finer" or "better" approximation than the lower indexed one). The directedness of the index set guarantees that given any two approximations, even if they are not directly comparable to one another, you can combine them into an approximation which is finer (better) than each of them (if $i,j$ are incomparable, then find a $k$ with $i,j\leq k$). The inverse limit is a way to combine all of these approximations into an object in a consistent manner.

If you imagine your maps as going right to left, you have a branching tree that is getting "thinner" as you move left, and the inverse limit is the combination of all branches occurring "at infinity".

Added. The example of the $p$-adic integers may be a bit misleading because our directed set is totally ordered and all maps are surjective. In the more general case, you can think of every chain in the directed set as a "line of approximation"; the directed property ensures that any finite number of "lines of approximation" will meet in "finite time", but you may need to go all the way to "infinity" to really put all the lines of approximation together. The inverse limit takes care of this.

If the directed set has no maximal elements, but the structure maps are not surjective, it turns out that no element that is not in the image will matter; essentially, that element never shows up in a net of "successive approximations", so it never forms part of a "consistent system of approximations" (which is what the elements of the inverse limit are).

with an inverse limit $X$. Then $X$ is precisely the intersection of the $X_i$. The key thing here is that a point in the intersection gives you a point $x_i$ in each of the $X_i$, such that $x_{i+1}$ gets mapped to $x_i$. This is kind of silly and clear since you're really talking about the same point, just in the context of different containing sets, but it sets the stage for the more general inverse limit.

So say, for example, that $X_1$ is a point, $X_2$ is two (discrete) points, $X_3$ is four discrete points, etc., and each map is some two-to-one map. Then since each point has exactly two preimages, a point in the inverse limit is basically a choice of preimage (say, 0 or 1) at each $i$. The product topology makes these choices "close" if they agree for a long time, and so you may be able to then understand why the inverse limit is the Cantor set.

A fun exercise: Let all the $X_i$ be circles, and let the maps from $X_{i+1}$ to $X_i$ be degree 2 maps (say, squaring the complex numbers with modulus 1). Understand the inverse limit of this system (it's often called a "solenoid").

Here's how I think of inverse versus direct limits. The following should not be taken too seriously, because of course inverse limits and colimits are completely dual. But in many of the categories one tends to work with daily, they have a somewhat different feel.

In practice, inverse limits are a lot like completions: one has a tower of spaces $X_n \to X_{n-1} \to X_{n-2} \to \dots$ and one wishes to consider the space of "Cauchy sequences": in other words, one has a sequence $(x_n)$ such that $x_n \in X_n$ (this is the Cauchy sequence) and the $x_n$ are compatible under the maps (which is the abstract form of Cauchy-ness). For instance, the completion of a ring is the standard example of an inverse limit in commutative algebra. Here the $X_n$'s (which are the quotients of a fixed ring $R$ by a descending sequence of ideals $I_n$) can be thought of as specifying sets of "intervals" that are shrinking with each $n$, so an element of the inverse limit is a descending sequence of intervals. Perhaps the reason that inverse limits feel this way in many categories of interest is that many categories of interest are concrete, and the forgetful functor to sets is corepresentable, so that (categorical) limits look the same in the category and in the category of sets. In this case, inverse limits are given by precisely the construction above: it is a kind of "successive approximation."

Direct limits, on the contrast, are much more like unions.Here the picture that I usually keep in mind is that of a sequence of objects in time that gets wider as time passes, even though this is not necessarily accurate: in practice, one often wishes to take direct limits over non-monomorphisms. But the construction of a direct limit in the category of sets (and in many concrete categories: often, it happens that the forgetful functor also commutes with direct limits, and one deeper reason for that is that the corepresenting object is relatively small, and small objects have a tendency to commute with filtered colimits because of the above union interpretation) is ultimately the quotient of the disjoint union of the sets such that each element of a set $X_n$ is identified with its image in the next one. Since ultimately it feels like taking a union, direct limits tend to behave very nicely homologically: most often, they preserve exactness.Inverse limits, by contrast, do not usually preserve exactness unless one imposes extra conditions (such as the ML condition).

There a related approaches in probability theory and measure theory as approaches to generalize the Daniell-Kolmogorov extension Theorem. Studying projective limits of probability spaces was pioneered by Salomon Bochner. A typical paper in this strand of literature is this paper by Kazimierz Musia.

In this setting, a sequence (or net) of morphisms can be either describing an ever more elaborate specification $X_0 \rightarrow X_1 \rightarrow X_2 \rightarrow ...$ or it can be an ever more precise refinement $... \rightarrow X_2 \rightarrow X_1 \rightarrow X_0$. The first sequence has as a direct limit the 'ultimate' specification, while the second sequence has as an inverse (also called projective) limit the 'ultimate' refinement.

As an extra: maybe my own question about Directed and projective limit in Rel helps in looking at the notion in a different way. In Rel, where the two types of limit coincide, my intuition is that a net of relations simply results in 'lines' connecting points in a disjoint union, and the 'infinite' lines form a new object, the limit.

By now you have progressed from the very informal definition of a limit in the introduction of this chapter to the intuitive understanding of a limit. At this point, you should have a very strong intuitive sense of what the limit of a function means and how you can find it. In this section, we convert this intuitive idea of a limit into a formal definition using precise mathematical language. The formal definition of a limit is quite possibly one of the most challenging definitions you will encounter early in your study of calculus; however, it is well worth any effort you make to reconcile it with your intuitive notion of a limit. Understanding this definition is the key that opens the door to a better understanding of calculus.

We can get a better handle on this definition by looking at the definition geometrically. Figure shows possible values of \(\) for various choices of \(>0\) for a given function \(f(x)\), a number a, and a limit L at a. Notice that as we choose smaller values of  (the distance between the function and the limit), we can always find a \(\) small enough so that if we have chosen an x value within \(\) of a, then the value of \(f(x)\) is within \(\) of the limit L.

Earlier, we used the terms arbitrarily close, arbitrarily large, and sufficiently large to define limits at infinity informally. Although these terms provide accurate descriptions of limits at infinity, they are not precise mathematically. Here are more formal definitions of limits at infinity. We then look at how to use these definitions to prove results involving limits at infinity.

Just as we first gained an intuitive understanding of limits and then moved on to a more rigorous definition of a limit, we now revisit one-sided limits. To do this, we modify the epsilon-delta definition of a limit to give formal epsilon-delta definitions for limits from the right and left at a point. These definitions only require slight modifications from the definition of the limit. In the definition of the limit from the right, the inequality \(0

We now demonstrate how to use the epsilon-delta definition of a limit to construct a rigorous proof of one of the limit laws. The triangle inequality is used at a key point of the proof, so we first review this key property of absolute value.

In this question, we already have 14 comments (at last count), which prompted me to wonder whether there is any limit to the number of comments a question could have before some dire (software or human) intervention kicks in?

In mathematics the concept of limit formally expresses the notion of arbitrary closeness. That is, a limit is a value that a variable quantity approaches as closely as one desires. The operations of differentiation and integration from calculus are both based on the theory of limits. ff782bc1db

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