STEP ONE: Find a page belonging to the extension you want to disable. chrome://extensions, chrome://extensions-internals, and chrome://process-internals are all good places to find your extension's ID (a 32-character lowercase string). You can also just do a simple Google search. Once you have your ID, substitute it into the hostname in the URL below: chrome-extension://extensionidhereblahblah/manifest.json For some filters like Securly, the block screen is already an extension page. 

STEP TWO: Bookmark the extension page (bookmark A) if you wish. Then, bookmark chrome://kill (B) and chrome://hang (C). 

STEP THREE: While on the extension page (A), click the chrome://kill bookmark (B). The page should crash. You should already have the next step prepared. 

STEP FOUR: Instantly start spamming chrome://hang (bookmark C) and quickly reload the page while spamming (ideally with the refresh key on your keyboard or ctrl+R). You should have reloaded within one or two seconds of killing the page. If the extension page (bookmark A) no longer loads, then LTMEAT worked! You can close your tabs and the extension will basically be dead. If nothing loads, then you either reloaded too late or used hang too late. Restart your computer to revert back to normal.