Biomedical Ultrasound Lab Research:

Our lab is dedicated to advancing technology in areas such as ultrasound transducer fabrication, precision manipulation with acoustic tweezers, therapeutic applications of focused ultrasound, and the fusion of AI with ultrasound-based cell analysis, aiming to advance medical diagnostics and therapy at the intersection of ultrasound and life sciences.

1. Ultrasound Transducer Fabrication:

Our lab is at the forefront of advancing ultrasound transducer fabrication techniques. These transducers, operating within the frequency range of 5 to 500 MHz, play a fundamental role in advancing the frontiers of ultrasound precision and quality. Through pioneering innovations in materials, design methodologies, and manufacturing processes, we are dedicated to crafting transducers that empower highly intricate and real-time imaging, therapeutic interventions, and cellular analysis in the realm of biomedical applications. Our mission is to continually refine and elevate the capabilities of ultrasound technology to enhance its critical role in modern healthcare and life sciences.

2. Acoustic Tweezers:

Acoustic tweezers represent a cutting-edge technology that harnesses sound waves to manipulate cells and micro-particles. Our research in this field seeks to refine and optimize these techniques, opening doors to advancements in cell-analysis, cell classification, drug delivery, and tissue engineering. We explore novel approaches to enhance the controllability and versatility of acoustic tweezers, enabling their integration into various biomedical and biotechnological applications.

RBC manipulation

Single RBC trapping

Cell deformation

3. Focused Ultrasound (HIFU & LOFU):

High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) and Low-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (LOFU) are transformative in non-invasive medical procedures. Our lab is dedicated to perfecting these technologies for in vivo and in vitro use. We focus on minimizing side effects, enhancing precision, and maximizing therapeutic outcomes in applications such as tumor ablation, drug delivery, and neurological disorders. By advancing these ultrasound-based therapies, we aim to revolutionize the landscape of minimally invasive medical procedures.


Ultrasound-guided HIFU therapy

HIFU treatment 

4. Cell Therapy & Cell Mechanics:

Our research delves into the mechanical properties of cells and their responses to therapeutic interventions. This understanding informs the development of innovative cell-based therapies, including nanomedicine and cancer treatments. By deciphering how cells behave under various mechanical conditions, we aim to optimize the design and delivery of cell therapies, ultimately improving their efficacy and safety in experimental settings.

Cancer Cell Therapy 

Cell deformation 

RBC mechanics

5. AI & Ultrasound based Cell Analysis:

By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence alongside ultrasound signals, our laboratory leads the charge in revolutionizing cell and particle analysis. Through the development of advanced AI algorithms capable of rapid, automated, and precise cell characterization via ultrasound data, we aspire to streamline disease diagnosis, drug development, and biotechnology research. This synergy between AI and ultrasound holds the promise of significantly enhancing our capacity to comprehend and manipulate cells for diverse scientific and medical applications.

Classification Method

AI & Ultrasound

AI & Ultrasound

AI & Ultrasound

AI & Ultrasound

AI & Ultrasound

6. Ultrasound Haptics & Acoustic Levitation:

Acoustic Haptics and Levitation: In the realm of acoustic haptics and levitation, we explore the possibilities of using sound waves to create tactile sensations and levitate objects. This research has broad applications, from improving virtual reality experiences by providing realistic haptic feedback to developing innovative material handling technologies. By harnessing the unique properties of sound, we aim to push the boundaries of sensory perception and offer groundbreaking solutions across diverse industries.

Ultrasound Haptics with VR

Ultrasound Haptics

Acoustic Levitation