12/27/2021 - Who am i?

Yesterday, Noah showed me how to draw an idea web.

“So, You put your name in the center… Lily… Now draw lines to connect your hobbies, for example here, ART. How you do some more. What are other things you like?”

Mind went blank for a second. Then panic. Panic. Panic. Because I didn’t know the answer to that simple question— what other things DO i like?

Panic because: who would I be if art was one day taken away from me? WHAT would I be?

This thought was not great because growing up, I’ve been the exact opposite— having too many too many interests and fearing I didn’t have a prominent one. Now that I do, I feel like I’m loosing my multi-facet-ness. I still do enjoy a lot of things, but they’re not really significant enough to be known by the public, and I don’t put enough effort into them. So things like reading, guitar, singing, cooking along with millions of other things all seem to be “mediocre hobbies” not worth painting about.

So who am I? Will I ever get to know?

What makes me “oh this is such a Lily thing”, and do I really need the public to validate my interests?