12/08/2020 - Why I Started Your Art

I'm so happy for all the support gotten on our WeChat public account "Your Art" in just the 5 months it had opened. I watched my team grow and get better at our roles, and it had been such a wheeze to get so far. But as we are working on expanding our platform, it is about time I sit down and root down our central values and motives before branching out.

I grew up with art all around me. Doodling since I could first remember, labeled "the art kid" everywhere, strolling through galleries... Along with those, I had also experienced an array of art education.

Back in Canada, I received the westernized art education: promoting creativity, crafts over skills... It was the most 'fun' for kids.

I've also been through three years of art in a public Chinese school: systematic, often (like all the other subjects) competition oriented; we were more limited in our materials to use markers/pens and everyone was more or less expected to create the same things.

Then there's also the traditional style Chinese art tutoring aimed at passing art level exams, where I was sat in a lesson of still life sketching at the age of 7 (compared to Deerfield where most people have their first experience in high school!);the "unorthodox" art studio, where students are set free to do whatever they wanted and teachers were there to provide materials and help when needed.

I am not describing all these in an objective way to undermine my own country, but I do think the more creative, happy way should be the future of art education. And it is totally not China's fault, because we face practicality issues! The officials know that creative art is better, but also is more costly, and lacks the teacher resource.

Also, the Chinese authorities have held prestige in academic art for very long and it's really hard to change entire systems or hire international teachers to bring variety. Besides, schools tend to focus on Math, Chinese, English the most, and God knows how many art lessons haven't been taken over by those classes when exams approach?

It can't be changed officially, but I can step in to help. *We*, the fortunate privileged kids can offer something to them.

Sure, art establishments like Color already exists and does a good job teaching art, which I myself was honored to have gone through. But I also recognize the costliness: Good art studios and classes mainly target the elite and bourgeoise, but what about the millions of Chinese commoners kids, who neither have the time nor resources to come here?

This is why Your Art exists as a platform to expand children's visions. Video lessons don't take too much time and is easily accessible. Offline lessons provides children with more chance to fun, hands-on activities while learning open-mindedness.