9/20/2020 - Art and Art History

No ideas. What is Art?



I completely agree with Mr. Gombrich! I am fascinated with modern art yet abhor it completely. Some say that innovation is the way to progress, but I think it a huge hindrance to developing a vision in art.

There is no definition in art. Just the word "art" used in different context, that is MY definition of art.

Love the classics, because they actually define things, no matter how stubborn looking back. However, as we all know, choices means freedom but means headaches.

Art shouldn't be a creativity elite group. If I want to pursue a certain style, let me be! There are no competition but at the same time there is huge competition on artistic careers. Critics can't judge sufficiently, the only standard is creativity; but how do you judge that? How much it surprises you?

This shock is built on our preconceptions of the subject; but if we haven't got any to start with, art is eventually going to die out.

Post-modernism is getting the idea, but its effects are not that obvious. I've noticed a trend that's been increasingly focused on technology and how it affects us. I don't like exhibitions (or anything) on tech but I probably don't distant that far from the artist on this. For it is dissatisfaction that prompts them to create!

Since Art is growing increasingly complex (we mustn't oversimplify it), I find it futile to try to spot a pattern, compete in the trend. We should just chill and create aesthetic stuff, commercial or not. Personally I think good art are ones that look good and gives a meaningful message.

As perfect as some classical works are, I'm only gonna gawk at the skill for a while before I turn away because it has nothing within to make me think about it. But also I'm not gonna want to look at a piece that just looks crap to start with, even if it embodies a whole book of philosophy. You wanna philosophy? Why not write it down I would hear you out much better.

So yea digging art is sooo interesting but I can't help feeling frustrated that I'm only learning things people have found out before and it will be literally a lifetime before I conjure something else up. There's just so much to dig; you can never be done with history...