11/2/2020 - Art.


I am SO SICK OF IT!!!!!! I have so much art homework to do and it's suffocating and never had I ever been so sick of art this much!!!!!

When I look at so many aspects of art, there are moments where I just transcend from the spider-web like art world and see the whole complicated knot coming loose a second. Suddenly these whole lives, careers, histories dedicated to art all seemed so stupid- In the old days art's purpose was a tool for something else, and modern days art can literally be whatever the hell you want it to be. From no personal gain through it to no public gain through it. Constriction to way too much freedom in art that no one cares anymore. It is so stupid.

That's why I never wanted to art in college. Takes up way too much time to produce not enough. Artists are selfish people.

I particularly hate vague stuff, and art is so vague. My definition of art is just nothingness. Means nothing. Epipheral, but nothing.
