
date: 8/5/21

I didn't have my sketchbook, so this one is recorded on my Notes app. May contain some French as well since I'm looking at a Normandy exhibition...

  • Corot is in the Barbizon school (check

  • Camille corot painted on brown Canvas, base showing thru

  • Normandy is grey ish

  • Paul Huet makes the sea looks clear and fresh

  • Morisot and her blurry lines

  • Fuzzy but clear at a distance; some lines are straight

  • Why so this one unprotected

  • low contrast and look good too

  • Boudin is a native Normandian

  • Great control with light and dark- colors

  • Louis-Alexandre Dubourg (1821-1892) paints labourers and is a Honfleur merchant

Cette peinture m’a touchée beaucoup. Les femmes se sembles de marchant ver moi. Elle émergent de l’horizon. Le petit dab de lumière dans la tête de femme est comme la doigt de dieu.

Female fish vendors- a lil Dutch looking

Delacroix Etretat

  • Delacroix has a almost Lorraine looking paintstroke, so smooth and so well lit

  • The cliff has a fuzzy texture

  • The deep dark contrasting light

  • Perhaps a lil romanticism? Def more than the other grim depiction

  • Monet Etretat interesting framing

  • He went to Africa to be a soldier??

  • The cave bit has pristine boarders

  • Why the smudge? Intentional

Manet in his later years don’t use dark background anymore , influenced by Impressionism

  • also why the heck do ppl keep taking photos here?????? Why deliberately invent these places???

  • have to attract common visitor with these kind of photo-attraction set-ups

  • I also LOVE the color of the walls- blue grey, illuminating gold frames and light color works

  • Guillaume Fouace (1827-1895) Realist painter

  • Amazing still life- why it’s place increases during this period



  • Just the mere colors- royal and elite

  • Artists distinguish the hard rock texture from the soft sand and foamy sea

  • So cute two kids sitting in a golden frame the girl holding a rose to her nose

  • Karl Daubigny- paintings a little more clear and optimistic

  • Normandy school of art focuses on iconography of nature

  • Frank Myers Boggs is an American- just living in french and as an impressionist

  • Dieppe

  • Rough Americans I can tell

  • So foggy too

Adolphe-Félix Cals

Grey impressionist

Wow so there really do exist people who likes it THAT grey

Much brighter palettes and textures after learning from Corot

Why is this one an outcast- this was pre-Corot acquaintance

Crépuscule means twilight

Bon- c’est la vie que je veux!!!

Les artistes de Normandie viennent de Paris, les apprentissage rigoureusement

  • Honfleur is a popular destination, shore, even a Honfleur school

  • Dubourg: the sky is such a beautiful lilac color

Wait I love this: (Myers Bogg)

Why is the sky so much like tie die pants

Also looks nothing like his other works

Achille-Émile Othon Friesz, fauvism iconic person

Wonder why it’s wooden frame?

(btw Just checked my scores- AP art history a 5!!!! Dang WHATTT that was way out my expectations)

Jaques Levin (Galien-Laloue) , wowowow pristine cut, so diff from others, si fraîche

Et le tache de bleu pour le ciel…

A lot of ppl like to put the French flag motif on


(Henri Vignet)

This DEF had influence from Japan and block prints

Jules Noël- Quite romantic no?


Antoine Léon Morel-Fatio

Call it kitsch but pretty to me😙 looks like print

Lépine- hmmm does he paints like morandi, or morandi paints like him

Marcel Couchaux- how does he make all the colors same tone?? Feel the light so well!

Rouen is a flourishing medieval town, super pretty, lots of ruin/remains, so a natural museum

Cagné Street- Pierre Dumont, 1930 (pretty modern

Rouen school(?)

Reminds me of iPad work- the colors are just too vibrant!!

Marcel Couchaux is a pioneer in the Rouen school- likes to use knife

Do conservators glaze over the works??

Corot is start of Impressionism, master of plein air

Corot is also teacher of Lépine

Eugène Isabey is the teacher of Boudin

Boudin is teacher of Monet

Berthe Morisot is Fragonard’s grand niece

Didn’t know Courbet was such a powerful landscape painter too

Dark next to light

Dry brushstroke nice waves


Interesting curating category- by topic of location/ master or not

Rame paints quite like Millet