In my art practice, I create detailed sculptures that express nostalgia and personality through cultural references and color. I use cardboard to make miniature rooms and other structures. I also use acrylic paint, fabric, found objects, and printed materials to infuse pattern, color, and clutter into my work. 

The colors that I use for the walls and furniture of these rooms are outlandish and bright; they vibrate next to each other and are the foundation of the piece. Layered on top of the bright colors and patterns are images, text, and objects that serve as wall decor. They are often printed memes and pop culture references or paper trash from my life at the time of making the room, such as receipts. Both of these forms point directly to my life at the time, the trash physically and the memes being from my recent Pinterest board or general online activity.

 My works have a quality of simultaneously being relatable to many and very specific to me. I personally make these rooms as a form of a physical diary that captures a period of time. And while that is evident in the work, the amount of 2000s nostalgia and connection to current internet culture make it accessible for many to connect to. In that way, the rooms I make operate as both self portraits and portraits of a generation.

2024 Sketchbooks