Bike Ride

A man named Mike had a deep passion for the outdoors, rooted in the many adventures he took with his family. Mike's family never enjoyed a relaxing day at the beach, and instead climbed cliffs and went on week long camping trips in the mountains in sub-freezing temperatures.

Mike was closest to his sister, Emily, with whom he continued his adventures even after the passing of their parents. Emily's favorite activity was riding bikes so Mike and Emily took many bike rides, even cross-state bike rides using only their bikes and tents to sleep in.

On one of Mike's birthdays, Emily got him a black lab he named Bella. Bella became very loyal to Mike and accompanied him everywhere and waited at the door for him to come home every time he left, as good dogs do.

Since Emily got Mike such a fantastic birthday gift, he wanted to do something for her just as great. So Mike began planning a biking trip starting in Raleigh, NC and ending in Sacramento, CA. It would be an 11 day cross-country bike ride! He knew she would love it because she just purchased a brand new blue bike.

However, Emily became deeply ill a month before her birthday and tragically passed away two weeks after. Mike was crushed and could not leave his home for a week. Bella became very depressed as well, constantly attempting to cheer her owner up but failing every time.

One night Mike had a dream, and in this strange dream he had the ability to speak to Bella.

Mike: "Bella, I don't know what to do without my sister. She was my best friend!"

Bella: "I know Emily would want you to go on the trip without her, you can honor her that way!"

Mike: "How could I go without her? I planned it for Emily! I would only feel the guilt from her not enjoying the journey."

Bella: "Her spirit is still with us! Just because you cannot see her does not mean she is no longer here. Bodies can die, but spirits are forever!"

At this moment in the dream, Mike awoke, jolting up and meeting Bella's gaze. She had been sitting at the end of his bed. This moment made him realize what he needed to do.

Mike brought Bella with him on the adventure by making a little sidecar she could sit in attached to his bike. Since Mike was used to such straining activities, the bike ride was no difficulty for him. However, he stayed awake all night, every night, from the guilt he had for going on the adventure without his sister.

Mike had lost so much sleep that he was beginning to hallucinate on his bike ride. He realized this and decided to rest on the side of the path. He then saw a blue light in the sky. "You must sleep!" the light commanded. Mike replied, "I cannot sleep until I finish this journey. Bella walked in the direction of the blue light and said, "I will take his place. Please give him my energy to keep going!" Mike was confused from these hallucinations and tried to drink some water to help him feel better. He thought he was going crazy.

Once he felt rested, he looked for Bella and saw her sleeping next to the bike. He tried to wake her but nothing would work. At this point he began to question his hallucinations. He decided not to worry about it and placed Bella with a blanket in the sidecar.

Bella slept through the rest of the trip and Mike had constant energy. Once he reached Sacramento, Bella immediately jumped up and began to bark with excitement. At this moment Mike felt like he had made sister proud and wondered if she was the blue light that appeared to him on his ride. A calm feeling of warmth spread through his body. "It had to be Emily," he thought.

Author's note: I based my story off of the tiny tale from the Ramayana of the sleep goddess, Nidra-Devi. In the original story, Rama, Lakshmana, and Sita are together in a forest due to the banishment of Rama. Lakshmana needs to stay awake and protect Rama and Sita, but no one can stay awake forever. So, the sleep goddess Nidra-Devi visits Lakshmana asking him to sleep, but Lakshmana refuses. So the goddess suggests someone take his place so he can get sleep. Lakshmana's wife, Urmila, decides to sleep for him so that he will have energy to protect Rama and Sita. Urmila sleeps for Lakshmana until he returns.

I used the sister's spirit to represent the sleep goddess. Mike to represent Lakshmana, and Bella to represent Urmila. The blue light represents Emily's soul connected to the blue color of her bike. I decided to draw connections between Bella and Lakshmana because dog's have been known to love and protect their care-takers. Just as Lakshmana loves and protects Rama.

Source: Tiny Tales from the Ramayana by Laura Gibbs