Hi, I'm Li Jingping.

Senior Lecturer, Residential College 4, NUS

I am a Senior Lecturer at Residential College 4, National University of Singapore. I obtained my Bachelor's degree in economics from Fudan University in 2006 and my Master’s and Ph.D. degrees from the National University of Singapore in 2009 and 2013, respectively. I worked at Shandong University for eight years as a faculty member to teach and research behavioral economics. Before joining RC4, I worked as a research fellow in the Division of Economics at NTU.

My disciplinary research adopts the methodology of behavioral and experimental economics with a special focus on pro-social behavior, charity, gender differences, leadership, and digital economics. I conduct lab experiments and field studies to explore the causal effect between factors that cannot be directly observed from empirical data. My research outcomes are published in peer-reviewed journals, including Economic Inquiry, Economic Letters, Contemporary Economic Policy, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, etc.

Get in touch with me at jp.li@nus.edu.sg.