The Lightwave Technology Lab (LTL) is focused on experiments involving optical wireless communication and guided wave optical communication. The current research work includes novel optical communication paradigms targeting 5G and beyond communications such as passive optical networks links, radio over fiber (RoF), radio over free space optics (RoFSO) with orbital angular momentum (OAM) generation, modulation, transmission, and detection. Moreover, the lab is also being used for modeling waveguide-based passive structures for their applications in passive optical networks. The research work in the lab will also be expanded to include experiments to study nonlinear effects in optical fibers, particularly targeting issues in high-speed optical communications.

Research Highlights


Seminars and Events

Mode: Online | Meeting Link: | Meeting number: 2516 523 3557 | Meeting password: 2ZutB4yEZm3

Venue: 2nd Floor Administration Building Bridge 

Time: 01:00 to 06:00 p.m.

Research Snippets

Contributions to Different Programs
