LIGHT: Light Interesting General Handy Talks

We are a seminar aimed at Ph.D. students in all areas of Mathematics from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM).

This is a space in which we can discuss our mathematical interests in an informal way. 

If you are interested in giving a talk you can contact us at: lightseminar (at) bcamath (dot) org. 

If you want to add our calendar to your personal one you can  do so using this link

Next talk:  Tuesday, 11th June, 15:30 - Maryam Mirzakhani Seminar Room, BCAM 

Geometry, matrices and arrows
Eduardo de Lorenzo (BCAM & KU Leuven)

Abstract:  One of the most striking insights from category theory is that you can understand a geometric space by studying how it looks from the point of view of other spaces. We will explore this idea, and see what it says about matrix groups. Along the way we will encounter some cool ideas that have influenced different areas of mathematics over the last 100 years, see some nice pictures and hopefully have a nice time. 

Organizing Committee: