1 to 1 Services

All sessions are by donation if so inclined

Micro Healing (20 mins)

This Microhealing involves:

20 mins

Donation of $20 USD

Energy Healing (Pranic Healing)

This general healing consists of a chakra analysis in all dimensions and fields, aura reading and working with your spirit team to align everything back to its highest potential. Each healing can be done online live or via distance healing at a requested time.


Donation of $50 USD

Conversations with your Soul

This offer of Service is for in-depth counseling from Luke about your current life on Earth.

Sometimes it's good just to get another perspective. In 3D duality, the connection with the Higher Self is often muffled by the casual, emotional, mental, and physical bodies. The information you receive is usually via the 4D perspective where Ego and Personality play a big part. There is nothing wrong with this, it is how we learn. Luke won't tell you what to do but rather connect you with your true aspect to reveal information.

The session can be either face to face or via other correspondence

1hr 30mins

Donation of $100 USD

Light Body Anchoring

With this healing we connect all of your energy bodies (mental, ethereal, emotional) to you physical body using specific anchor points. Each of the bodies are first cleared of all negative energies, entities, old programs and imprints, then energising depleted areas and sealing any leaks. Then using your own personal soul language we will anchor your light into Gaia for maximum transfer of frequency.

1hr 30 min

Donation of $100 US

Sessions can be either via video (face-to-face) or prerecorded