How do I install LightNexus?

This is a 2-part solution that automatically preconfigures your Arch/MATE installation for LightNexus.

  1. Fire up your terminal by going to Applications -> System Tools -> MATE Terminal

  2. Type in "wget"

  3. Allow permission of executing it as a program by going to Places -> Home Folder, then right-click on and choose Properties. There will be a Permissions tab to click on, which you'll see an option at the bottom of the window for Allow executing file as a program, after it has been clicked, close the window and go back to your MATE Terminal.

4. Type in "sudo ./" and follow on-screen instructions.

5. After installation is finished, the 1st part will provide you with another wget command to execute in a new MATE Terminal window, following step 3 for, execute it by typing "./", do NOT use SUDO at the beginning for this, the script will ask for a password later on anyway.

6. After finishes it's job, go to System -> Shut Down... -> Restart.

7. Sign in to notice changes and start your LightNexus experience.