Almost all space telescopes, including Hubble and Webb, collect light using mirrors. Our proposed telescope, the Nautilus Space Observatory, would replace large, heavy mirrors with a novel, thin lens that is much lighter, cheaper, and easier to produce than mirrored telescopes. Because of these differences, it would be possible to launch many individual units into orbit and create a powerful network of telescopes.

Thin, simple diffractive lenses are notorious for their blurry images, so they have never been used in astronomical observatories. But if you could improve their clarity, using diffractive lenses instead of mirrors or refractive lenses would allow a space telescope to be much cheaper, lighter, and larger.

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In August 2018, our team produced the first prototype, a two-inch (five-centimeter) diameter lens. Over the next five years, we further improved the image quality and increased the size. We are now completing a 10-inch (24-cm) diameter lens that will be more than 10 times lighter than a conventional refractive lens would be.

The thin lens allowed the team to design a lighter, cheaper telescope, which they named the Nautilus Space Observatory. Daniel Apai/University of Arizona, CC BY-NDThe lenses have other benefits, too. First, they are much easier and quicker to fabricate than mirrors and can be made en masse. Second, lens-based telescopes work well even when not aligned perfectly, making these telescopes easier to assemble and fly in space than mirror-based telescopes, which require extremely precise alignment.

Beryllium is lighter and stronger than glass, so this honeycomb structure can be very thin. Each mirror segment is just 20 kg, not counting the actuators and backplane. For 18, that's just 360 kg. Counting the actuators and backplane, it's probably roughly that of the HST primary mirror.

In the chorus, the singer expresses their need for a lighter, indicating their desire to smoke or find comfort in a familiar habit. The mention of a "12 pack" suggests a need for alcohol to numb the pain. Additionally, they mention wanting to call their ex and understand the reason behind the breakup, showing a desire for closure and emotional resolution.

As it is, Webb's mirror is about an order of magnitude lighter per unit area compared to Hubble's mirror. Each of the 18 hexagonal segments, made of ultralight metal beryllium, weigh only 46 pounds (20 kilograms). The entire spacecraft, despite its enormous size, weighs only 6.5 metric tonnes compared to the 11.1 metric tonnes of the smaller Hubble.

In the centre of the galaxy is a massive amount of hot dust. In between are lighter patches, where gigantic clusters of young stars are found. The outermost ring, which is still expanding, is where stars are formed and supernovae (explosions of massive young stars) take place.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article here: -new-thin-lensed-telescope-design-could-far-surpass-james-webb-goodbye-mirrors-hello-diffractive-lenses-206055.

Indina Light gives a simple structure a fancy upgrade paired with easy lace running along the neck and shoulder-line of this sweater. Indina Light is a new, lighter version of Indina, showcasing a drop shoulder style with positive ease in the body and slim-fit sleeves. Sweater is worked flat to shoulders which are joined with 3-needle bind off, sleeves are then picked up and knit down to cuff. Designed to be worn with 6-10in (15-25cm) of positive ease. Sample shown in size 44in (110cm) with 6in (15cm) of positive ease.

With Webb, we can probe down to lighter-weight protostars, as small as one-tenth of our Sun. This is the first time we can detect the full sequence of star formation of both low and high mass stars in another galaxy. This means we have far more data to study at high resolution, offering us new information on how the birth of stars shapes their environment and even greater insight into the star formation process.

Asian Americans and Latinos with lighter skin tones were significantly more likely to complete high school and transition to college, and those with darker skin tones were 21-26% less likely to attend college and earn a degree. These color-based disparities in educational attainment held true even for siblings, accounting for potential differences in home environment or socioeconomic class. (2016: Learn more about this article.)

I often tell the true story of fraternal twins who attended the school where I taught years ago. The darker-skinned twin had been labeled as less smart and tracked in remedial classes for years and had a littered disciplinary record. The lighter-skinned twin was an honor roll student with popularity among peers, teachers, and staff.

Over the next millions of years, massive stars formed from primordial gases and went through their long stellar lifecycle. In the cores of stars, nuclear fusion reactions began to convert lighter elements into heavier ones. The most massive stars eventually explode as supernovae at the end of their lives, ejecting heavier elements. This contributed to forming a new generation of stars in the galaxies, which were richer in heavier elements.

Scientists have long postulated that the early universe consisted of these lighter elements, but it wasn't easy to ascertain. However, with the arrival of Webb, scientists can peek back into the universe. This high-tech space observatory was explicitly built to examine the universe in infrared wavelengths, allowing it to see further into space and time.

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), scheduled for launch in 2018, includes a 6.5m 18- segment primary mirror passively cooled below 55 degrees Kelvin. The observatory cannot be optically or thermally tested as a system at flight temperatures due to its large sunshield, so the telescope portion along with its instrument complement will be tested as a single unit. This test will be very late in the program, and on the program schedule critical path, so a set of cryogenic tests with some flight-like hardware will be performed earlier to help mitigate this schedule risk. The JWST Pathfinder will be used in these optical and thermal tests, and includes a test-only telescope structure segment, two flight-like primary mirror segments, a flight-spare secondary mirror, and associated electronics.This paper describes the JWST Thermal Pathfinder (TPF) cryogenic test, and the analysis used to design the test configuration. Scheduled for early 2016, this test will characterize telescope thermal performance during transient conditions, and will demonstrate a cool-down procedure that meets hardware gradient requirements. Items will be added to the Pathfinder structure to more closely match telescope thermal characteristics, including flight-like insulation and blanks to simulate the mirrors not present on the Pathfinder. To meet mass targets, the blanks will be much lighter than flight mirrors. Therefore, a heater system is being designed to slow their cool- down to allow a better simulation of the structure/mirror system cool-down during the test. Other heater systems are being designed to make up for the mass of instruments and other structures that are not part of the Pathfinder structure.Additional hardware will be installed in the chamber to help prepare for the flight telescope test by providing a thermal environment similar to that test, including a simulator for the warm spacecraft, support structures, a sunshield simulator, and test cables. A large room-temperature electronics box simulator will also be tested for the effects of the gas-assisted cool-down on its sophisticated thermal isolation system.

N2 - Many invertebrates are ideal model systems on which to base robot design principles due to their success in solving seemingly complex tasks across domains while possessing smaller nervous systems than vertebrates. Three areas are particularly relevant for robot designers: Research on flying and crawling invertebrates has inspired new materials and geometries from which robot bodies (their morphologies) can be constructed, enabling a new generation of softer, smaller, and lighter robots. Research on walking insects has informed the design of new systems for controlling robot bodies (their motion control) and adapting their motion to their environment without costly computational methods. And research combining wet and computational neuroscience with robotic validation methods has revealed the structure and function of core circuits in the insect brain responsible for the navigation and swarming capabilities (their mental faculties) displayed by foraging insects. The last decade has seen significant progress in the application of principles extracted from invertebrates, as well as the application of biomimetic robots to model and better understand how animals function. This Perspectives paper on the past 10 years of the Living Machines conference outlines some of the most exciting recent advances in each of these fields before outlining lessons gleaned and the outlook for the next decade of invertebrate robotic research.

AB - Many invertebrates are ideal model systems on which to base robot design principles due to their success in solving seemingly complex tasks across domains while possessing smaller nervous systems than vertebrates. Three areas are particularly relevant for robot designers: Research on flying and crawling invertebrates has inspired new materials and geometries from which robot bodies (their morphologies) can be constructed, enabling a new generation of softer, smaller, and lighter robots. Research on walking insects has informed the design of new systems for controlling robot bodies (their motion control) and adapting their motion to their environment without costly computational methods. And research combining wet and computational neuroscience with robotic validation methods has revealed the structure and function of core circuits in the insect brain responsible for the navigation and swarming capabilities (their mental faculties) displayed by foraging insects. The last decade has seen significant progress in the application of principles extracted from invertebrates, as well as the application of biomimetic robots to model and better understand how animals function. This Perspectives paper on the past 10 years of the Living Machines conference outlines some of the most exciting recent advances in each of these fields before outlining lessons gleaned and the outlook for the next decade of invertebrate robotic research. 2351a5e196

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