Project Prosposal


Our goal is to use a Wii Nunchuk with a USB adapter as a drawing tool to light up specific LEDs in order to display an image, which will be done by connecting a Wii Nunchuck to the LPC-4088 using a USB adapter. The user will maneuver the Nunchuk’s joystick to design their image on the 8x8 LED Display screen. We will incorporate additional functionality into a button on the LPC-4088 to change the lighting schemes. We will also send coordinates of the ‘ON’ LED lights to the UART.


  • Wii Nunchuck
  • 1 LPC-4088 Button (GPIO)
  • 8x8 RGB LED Display

Software Design

We will need to code a file to be able to accept the Wii Nunchuck as a peripheral. Then we will need code for the LED Board to act as a screen for the Wii Nunchuck. We will also need to code the LPC-4088 Button to change the settings of the light on the LED board. We will send the coordinates of the LED lights that are on to the UART.


  • Button controls the mode of LED: On, Blinking, Off.
  • Wii Nunchuk joystick as a cursor on LED display.
  • Wii Nunchuk buttons to draw and change LED colors.
  • Printing real time position of the Nunchuk cursor to UART