Light the Night Belleville 2023

WHAT:  Light the Night is the Largest National Fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada.  Funds raised by Light the Night support RESEARCH, ADVOCACY and SUPPORT for people with BLOOD CANCER and their families.  Come out and support people in our community!

WHEN Saturday, October 21st 2023   6:00pm-8:30pm

WHERE Lions Pavillion @ Zwicks Park Belleville, Ontario

WHO You can join as an individual, form a team or join a team.

WHY:  Our goal is to raise $75,000 this year to support RESEARCH, ADVOCACY and SUPPORT for People and Families impacted by a blood cancer.

HOW:  Register as an individual or team OR join a team @lightthenightbelleville or

Light the Night Belleville site  :  LINK TO PAGE 

Carols CUREsaders TEAM :  LINK TO PAGE  

Join our team today.

Blood cancers are the fifth most common form of cancer in Canada, affecting more than 155,000 Canadians—our family members, our friends and neighbours, our colleagues, ourselves. But together, we can shine a light toward a future without blood cancers.

Please consider making a donation today. Thank you for your support!

An awareness and fundraising event for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada

Check out the FUNDRAISING EVENTS on the next page!