Two other questions had been posed about this here, "Accessing mac's sensor data" and "Disable ambient-light sensor screen dimming programmatically on OS X", but they either didn't address this or present solutions that break on 10.5 and up.

You can get the value of ambient light sensor using terminal.For get the value first you should install the system management controller smc .exec then run it using terminal. After that run this command ./smc -l it's show's the list of all sensor's which exist on mac after that try to find the key which is ALSL this key give's the actual value of light ambient sensor of every mac.

Light Reader - Free Download

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Make science activities more accessible than ever with the Submersible Audio Light Sensor (SALS). SALS comprises a 10-inch black plastic-covered glass tube and a small box attached at one end. The tip of the glass probe (opposite to the small box) is not covered with plastic and detects light. The small box converts detected light to an audible tone and transmits this signal to an iOS or Android app via Bluetooth. The SALS app can be downloaded to an iPhone, iPad, Android phone, and the MATT Connect.

Like many other light detecting devices, SALS can be used in the air to detect differences between light and dark-colored objects. What makes SALS unique is that its probe can also be used in liquids. The device will alert the user to a change in an experimental feature, such as the formation of a precipitate in a test tube, which would decrease light within.

I am testing the embedded light sensor on the microbit. It appeared it would only detect values if I have a torch light shining very closely on the LEDs. Is this the same for everyone or am I missing some step that makes it more accurate or sensitive.

It happened with me too and I started thinking that something is wrong with my micro:bit.

Then strangely I tested my Light Sensor sample code in the morning and voila! it worked 

I was earlier testing it in the night with my room light on.

Seems microbit LED light sensor is not sensitive to lights other than sun light, but I will keep checking on for different light source.

Try if it works for you in sunlight.

I have an issue with the light meter in my EOS M50. It stop showing the readings is always at 0. Is on 0 cos i left it there, cos if i choose -2 or +3 it stays that way without changing the image light.

I was in TV mode and select the meter reader in "info". I move the meter around and leave - now it dosent show the readings. even after I reset "all" the features and personal choices as well format the sd card. It stop working in M mode as well.

I'm not sure that I understand your issue. The bar at the bottom of the screen is not really a light meter, it just shows how many stops above or below the auto-metered exposure you are. In Av and Tv, or P modes, it will normally stay at zero because it will always choose the auto-metered exposure. It will only change if you adjust exposure compensation or use manual exposure. This basically tells the camera that you want to make the exposure +/-[x] many stops above or below the meter reading. If you do not have the exposure simulation option enabled (camera menu, 3rd tab), you won't see the effects of exposure compensation show up on the preview, only in the final image. Hope this helps answer your question.

If you need a light meter, get a good ambient light meter that measures the light in an environment, not just reflected light. Measuring light reflected off of an object (like your camera does) can change with lighter or darker surfaces and give inaccurate results for certain subjects.

I was not aware that was 2 different meterings I tought was the same sensor that would give this information. And yes - the trouble i find is on the Exposure meter in TV/AV mode.

I am using the M50 Canon with the ef.m 15-45mm and a ef-s 50-250mm.

I use mostly use the M and TV mode. The light meter on M works fine. I belive the TV/AV should work with the meter showing in screen if i must compensate manually - or if i want a over/underexpose image.

I try to clean settings, personal settings, format the memory card, remove the batery and memory card from the camera. I check several tips however i keep it stuck in the exposure meter at mid.

my setting are: the exp. comp/AEB is at 0; iso velocity is 100; auto max 6400. Auto Lighting Optimizer and Highlight Tone Priority off. measure mode is matricial, exp. simul. 0ff. I try to put different setting on and off.

And tamaraw35 sugest to use manual exposure - I was wandering if you are correct, cos i can set exp. comp. from -3 to +3 and is what show in the monitor/view, the manual exposure i choose. I want is that Exposure not to use my manual setting but the sensor readings.

I don't know how else to explain this to you, that is simply not a light meter. It is a scale telling how far away from the auto-metered exposure you are. In auto modes like Av and TV, it will always stay at zero unless you use exposure compensation to set a different exposure than what the camera decides. In manual mode, it only suggests where exposure should be based off of light your camera measures bouncing off of your subject. This can be wrong. Use your eyes and judgment to get your preferred exposure.

If you want an actual light meter, get a handheld light meter to help you. This will not be fooled by light or dark surfaces and only cares about ambient or incident light in the environment around you. This will tell you the intensity of light around you and not just what your camera thinks the exposure should be. 17dc91bb1f

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