It just doesn't. I can change the settings individually on a street or tower light, and even link them up, and the control panel is connected to both the grid and the lights, but it just doesn't do anything other than power the lights. Not even the standby button works. What am I doing wrong?

My process: build the lights - link them up with cables - connect the last one to the control panel - connect the control panel to the power grid. The lights turn on, but I can only change their settings individually, the panel doesn't change anything at all.

Light Control

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Forward Phase - Also known as leading edge, incandescent, MLV, or triac-based dimming. The vast majority of dimmers installed today are this type. This is a line-voltage dimming method.

Reverse Phase - Also known as trailing edge, ELV, or FET-based dimming. Luminaries with electronic supplies are best controlled with these types of dimmers.

3-Wire - A line-voltage dimming method where power is delivered over a dedicated Switched Hot wire, and the phase control dimming signal is sent over a separate line-voltage Dimmed Hot wire.

0-10V - A low-voltage dimming protocol defined in IEC standard 60929-E2. Luminaries that use this standard provide a voltage, which the control forces to 10V for high end and 1V for low end. All fixtures on the same 0-10V link must go to the same light level.

PWM - A low-voltage dimming protocol defined in IEC standard 60929-E3. It uses the duty-cycle of a signal to communicate light level to a fixture. All fixtures on the same PWM link must go to the same level.

DMX - A low-voltage dimming protocol, formally called USITT DMX512-A. It provides high-speed individual control of up to 512 fixtures over a digital link.

EcoSystem - A digital protocol developed by Lutron and based of the DALI standard (IEC60929-E4). It provides individual fixture control for up to 64 fixtures over a digital link.

Switched - Fixtures designated as Switched are unable to be adequately dimmed with Lutron dimmers.

More sophisticated systems like the RadioRA 2 can store personalized settings for multiple lights, allowing you to completely tailor the lighting scheme in any room. Selecting a scene is as simple as pressing a single button. The system can also be programmed to transition between scenes at different times of the day.

Preset lighting can have other benefits aside from ambiance and energy savings. Lighting can be set to increase your space's security and safety. Advanced systems like HomeWorks can work in conjunction with a security system to switch on all lights if an intruder enters a home, simultaneously warning the trespasser and ensuring that law enforcement will know exactly where they are needed.

Lutron solutions provide the right quantity and quality of light in your environment. With such precise and powerful control, you can completely craft the look and feel for any space, as well as its functionality and efficiency. 

Gene expression and its network structure are dynamically altered in multicellular systems during morphological, functional, and pathological changes. To precisely analyze the functional roles of dynamic gene expression changes, tools that manipulate gene expression at fine spatiotemporal resolution are needed. The tetracycline (Tet)-controlled gene expression system is a reliable drug-inducible method, and it is used widely in many mammalian cultured cells and model organisms. Here, we develop a photoactivatable (PA)-Tet-OFF/ON system for precise temporal control of gene expression at single-cell resolution. By integrating the cryptochrome 2-cryptochrome-interacting basic helix-loop-helix 1 (Cry2-CIB1) light-inducible binding switch, expression of the gene of interest is tightly regulated under the control of light illumination and drug application in our PA-Tet-OFF/ON system. This system has a large dynamic range of downstream gene expression and rapid activation/deactivation kinetics. We also demonstrate the optogenetic regulation of exogenous gene expression in vivo, such as in developing and adult mouse brains.

We make a few remarks. First, the model is paradigmatic and highlights the two hallmark properties of Weyl semimetals: linear dispersion and chiral Weyl nodes. Second, the model suffices to describe the universal low-energy phenomena in Weyl semimetals. It can be shown by explicit calculation that the general properties do not change if one uses a more realistic periodic two-band model [4, 79]. Third, nonzero \(\varvec{b}\) and \(b_0\) require the breaking of time-reversal and parity-inversion symmetries, respectively. Fourth, we note that the opposite sign convention of \(\varvec{b}\) and \(b_0\) has been used in some works [4]. Finally, we note that the ideal magnetic Weyl semimetal with the minimum number of Weyl points may be realized in real materials such as K\(_2\)Mn\(_3\)(AsO\(_4\))\(_3\) [80], or EuCd\(_2\)As\(_2\) subjected to an external magnetic field [81].

where \(\omega\) is the light frequency, \(\omega _c = eB/m^*\) is the cyclotron frequency, \(m^*\) is the effective electron mass, e is the electron charge, and B is the external magnetic field [117, 119]. For the typical magnetic field \(B\sim {1}\hbox {T}\), \(\omega _c\sim {1}{\hbox {THz}}\), thus \(\gamma \sim 0.001\)-0.01 at optical frequencies. Therefore, the nonreciprocal effect is weak in magneto-optical materials.

The strong gyrotropy significantly affects the behavior of light in magnetic Weyl semimetals. As the first example, we study the electromagnetic waves in the bulk medium as described by \(\varepsilon (\omega )\) in Eq. (34). The results will be useful later in discussing many applications.

Fig. 5b shows the calculated band dispersion of the surface plasmon polaritons, together with the continuum region of bulk modes (in light blue) and the light cone of vacuum (in light gray). We note that the surface plasmon polaritons approximately occupy the frequency ranges \(\omega

In Ref. [145], Wang et al. experimentally demonstrate a natural hyperbolic plasmonic surface based on thin films of WTe\(_2\) in the far infrared range (\({16}-{23}{\mu \hbox {m}}\)). They show that the in-plane dielectric tensor of WTe\(_2\) is anisotropic and can change sign as energy varies in the far infrared range. Consequently, the iso-frequency contour of the surface plasmon polaritons changes from an ellipse to a pair of hyperbola as energy varies in that wavelength regime. This study demonstrates that a type-II Weyl semimetal can naturally host 2D hyperbolic plasmons, which is of interest for controlling light-matter interaction and light emission in planar photonics.

In Ref. [6], Kotov et al. design a nonreciprocal waveguide using magnetic Weyl semimetals. As shown in Fig. 7a, the structure consists of a Weyl semimetal thin film sandwiched by two dielectrics. The chiral shift \(2\varvec{b}\) is along the x direction. Fig. 7b shows the dispersion diagram of the TM-polarized light propagating in the y direction. The structure supports two different types of guided modes depending on the light frequency \(\omega\): When \(\omega

In Ref. [8], Park et al. design a photonic crystal slab structure made of magnetic Weyl semimetal and silicon, which can achieve optical isolation at normal incidence without the need for polarizers. As shown in Fig. 7e, the structure consists of a photonic crystal slab and a uniform dielectric slab separated by an air gap. The total thickness of the device is less than the operational wavelength. Such a structure hosts guided resonances [160] that can greatly enhance the nonreciprocal effects. Fig. 7f shows the calculated power transmission and reflection spectra for the TM polarized light in the forward and backward directions. The spectra exhibit high contrast near the guided resonance.

Due to the giant gyrotropy of magnetic Weyl semimetals, the left and right circularly polarized light propagating along the chiral shift direction will acquire different phases and attenuation [161]. Such effects can be used to construct polarization filters. In Ref. [162], Chtchelkatchev et al. demonstate that a single magnetic Weyl semimetal slab can selectively transmit/reflect circularly polarized light in the Faraday configuration, and linearly polarized light in the Voigt configuration (Fig. 8a). In Ref. [163], Yang et al. design a circular polarizer using two layers of magnetic Weyl semimetals separated by an air gap. The chiral shifts of the two Weyl semimetals are parallel and perpendicular to the slab. The proposed device exhibits a high circular polarization efficiency and high average transmittance in the wavelength region from \({9}{\mu \hbox {m}}\) to \({15}{\mu m}\) at incidence angles up to \({50}^{\circ }\). In Ref. [164], Mukherjee et al. study the effect of a tilt of the Weyl cones on the absorption of left and right circular polarized light. They show that the difference in absorption depends strongly on the degree of tilt.

Weyl semimetals can provide a new route to negative refraction using natural materials. As we discussed in Sect. 3.6, TM-polarized light can propagate in a magnetic Weyl semimetal with the Voigt configuration when \(\omega _{p-}

One of the simplest nonlinear optical effects in a solid is the photogalvanic effect. It refers to the generation of the direct current (DC) in the crystal under exposure to light. In the context of nonlinear optics [191], the photogalvanic effect is a second-order nonlinear optical effect: A direct current can appear in a noncentrosymmetric solid due to an oscillating electric field when one analyzes the response up to (at least) second order in the applied field [192]. At this order of perturbation theory, the DC photocurrents \(\varvec{J}\) are the sum of three contributions [193, 194]:

where \(\omega\) is the light frequency [194]. Hence, the injection current dominates in the high-frequency or weak-scattering regime, while the shift or anomalous current dominates in the low-frequency or strong-scattering regime. e24fc04721

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