I realized today that the lift to wake feature on my GTR isn't working. Tried rebooting the watch and switching to sensitive but still nothing. It's a very imp feature to keep track of time if the other hand is occupied. Thoughts on probable fixes?

Lord Jesus, you were lifted high upon the cross that you might draw each one of us to you; be with those who cannot lift their eyes to look at you. Your body was racked with pain as they lifted you; be with those who are suffering terribly from incurable, untreatable pain. To you, Jesus, lifted between heaven and earth, be honour and glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever. Amen.

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After having the idea of a Hurst Trans Am shot down by Pontiac, Hurst teamed up with Oldsmobile in 1968. He made the cars until GM lifted its ban on engines larger than 400-cid. Having already established everything he needed to be able to make the cars, Hurst decided to enter his own pace car into the Indy Pace Car Program using a 1972 Oldsmobile Cutlass.

In 1972 Hurst/Olds Pace Cars came in Cameo White with gold stripes, a W-25 Ram Air hood, Gold SS III Rally Wheels, and a 455 cubic inch V8 engine. They were produced in house by Hurst and were made in extremely low numbers and Cadillac took over the pace car program in 1973. In 1974 the Hurst Oldsmobile returned to the program with an all new body style and a new engine option.

Ricketts added 22 points on 8-for-15 shooting and drilled four three-pointers for the Blue Jays (2-1, 2-0 Henlopen South), who also got 15 points and two steals from Wise. Sadiku paced the Falcons (8-5) with 25 points, while Sanders tallied 19 and Zeigler added 15.

I am a 56 year young female who had suffered all the pain and debilitation that problems with the coccyx can create. I am also a very strong believer that recovery rests with the individual and strength of mind and willingness to push a little further each day. I have had more surgery than the average person so I can intelligently offer some comparisons and yet recognize that everyone both deals with pain and recovers at their individual pace. I have not taken any pain medications for 3 weeks now. Don't freak out when you see the bruising. . . it goes away in the first couple of weeks.

That having been said, I suffered almost 2 years, going through all of the possible treatments just like your other readers. When pain in my legs affected my ability to drive the decision for me was easy. My family doctor referred me to Dr Bernard Woolford Toronto, Canada. An absolute saviour! His mix of personal and professional presence instilled confidence in me from the get go.

I hope you will join me in praying for our youth conference, and every other youth conference that will be conducted across our nation and around the world in the days ahead. These meetings are not just conferences. They are opportunities for us to lift up a Saviour who can not only give our kids eternal life, but abundant life.

She hurried her pace, but only slightly. Running would be foolish; it would attract too much attention, would create a stir. She held her breath, trying to pacify her surging lungs, and focused on the stone path ahead.

Blessed Day, to you and yours. The phrase repeated around him, and he hurried his pace, put off by the greeting. He headed down an alleyway, maneuvering between stacks of woven baskets, trying to avoid the smiling faces of those fortunate enough to be celebrating. Darting across the stone road, he ducked into another alley, this one empty aside from a donkey and a muttering drunk. Two asses. Soon the dirt path to his village was in sight, but just as he escaped the alley, he stopped.

The Plot is the seismic, fly-on-the-wall account of how the saviour of the Conservative Party became a pariah. Told with unparalleled access, from multiple inside sources talking with astonishing candour, it reveals the shocking truth about powerful forces operating behind the scenes in the heart of Westminster and those who became the architects of a Prime Minister's downfall.

Since the display is monochrome, it was necessary to add lighting to the watch. The watch turns the light on for four seconds whenever you lift your wrist, but if you activate the light manually (by holding down the BACK button), the display stays on for 10 seconds.

I barely slept but by daybreak I was managing to hold down some water at least. I decided I was really going to need the help of Andreas if I was going to make it to the border before 6pm when my visa would expire. I had to ask him if I could cycle behind him out of the wind the whole way and if he could go just a little slower than his usual pace, well, maybe I could make it. Yep, this tortoise was going to make it alright, clinging on to the hare's tail for dear life all the way to the finish line. It took all my strength to stand up. His tent was away from mine, over the top of that dune. It was such an extraordinary effort to walk up that dune. I finally staggered up to the top and looked down at his tent. And saw nothing but sand. He had gone without me. Botox.

The wind seemed even stronger than the day before but Andreas cycled into it with impressive vigour, which was annoying, because I couldn't keep up with his pace even hiding behind him out of the wind. But I did my best, I had no choice, as I concentrated on staring at his back wheel and trying to stay as close to it as I could. We had to stop every few kilometres. I was struggling to stomach any food as I didn't have anything other than dry food, bread and biscuits, which was so unappetising. I knew I had to eat something so I soaked water in bread but I could still not manage more than a few bites. Whenever Andreas went too fast for me I shouted "SLOW!" to him. Sometimes he heard me and sometimes he didn't because of the wind and then he would cycle off without me and would have to wait for me to catch up. I quite liked it when this happened actually because cycling very slowly at my own six kilometres an hour was less painful than cycling at his speed which was more than double that. I urged him to cycle a bit slower so I could keep up. He told me that if he cycled any slower he was going to fall off.

A man, I have no idea who he was, appeared before me who could speak French and he asked if I could explain myself. "Je suis fatigue" I said. This simple sentence which was little more than stating the flipping obvious apparently was enough to explain everything for him and he translated my problem to the young guards who were still looking at me like I was from Mars. But then an older and more serious man appeared and I was told to put my bags on a desk for inspection. I managed to rouse myself and lifted the first two panniers onto the desk. Another thorough search seemed on the cards, and I still hadn't cleaned out that disgusting pannier, but then the official told me to stop. I think he had noticed my condition and decided it would be easier to get me off the premises before I collapsed. He probably also wanted to go home. Instead my customs inspection consisted only of the French speaker pointing at a picture of the President on the wall and asking me something in French which I couldn't understand. I responded as best I could. "No.. (pant).. my... (gasp)...bags... (pant)... don't...(gasp) ... contain... (pant)... any... (gasp)... Presidents."

He shook his head and pointed more closely at the picture which also had a rug in it. Wow, was that what all the over-the-top searching was about? Looking for rug smugglers. I told him I wasn't a rug smuggler and that was it, I was free to stagger onwards towards passport control. There I found two officials who laughed at me. Mostly because they had to encourage me a great deal to lift my head up off their desk long enough for them to check I was the guy in my passport photo. As I don't look like I'm dying in my passport photo they may have struggled to believe I was the same guy, but they gave me the exit stamp anyway.

The Champions League holders were humiliated 4-1 at home against Ajax to end their bid for a fourth straight European title, and they have fallen 12 points off the pace in LaLiga. Zidane begins his second spell as coach on Saturday against Celta Vigo.

This seems like a such a simple thing, and yet if we truly made this a part of our daily lives it would have a profound effect and dramatically change our discipleship. One of the facts of modern life for most of us is that it has become filled with complexity. We live at a hectic, breathtaking pace, racing here and there to meet the demands of an overbooked, overprogrammed schedule. Many even need complex calendaring systems to track their numerous activities. How easy it is in that frenetic lifestyle to forget the Savior and God, or at least to push them back to some corner of our minds while we race to fulfill all our commitments.

50. The application of this principle likewise safeguards the dignity of citizens. Their obedience to civil authorities is never an obedience paid to them as men. It is in reality an act of homage paid to God, the provident Creator of the universe, who has decreed that men's dealings with one another be regulated in accordance with that order which He Himself has established. And we men do not demean ourselves in showing due reverence to God. On the contrary, we are lifted up and ennobled in spirit, for to serve God is to reign.(33)

153. We consider too that a further reason for this very frequent divorce between faith and practice in Christians is an inadequate education in Christian teaching and Christian morality. In many places the amount of energy devoted to the study of secular subjects is all too often out of pro portion to that devoted to the study of religion. Scientific training reaches a very high level, whereas religious training generally does not advance beyond the elementary stage. It is essential, therefore, that the instruction given to our young people be complete and continuous, and imparted in such a way that moral goodness and the cultivation of religious values may keep pace with scientific knowledge and continually advancing technical progress. Young people must also be taught how to carry out their own particular obligations in a truly fitting manner.(65) 006ab0faaa

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