How to Get Slime Out of Clothes: Tips and Tricks

Slime, the gooey and fun-to-play-with substance, can sometimes be a little too adventurous and find its way onto your clothing. Whether you're dealing with homemade slime or store-bought varieties, removing it from fabric can be a bit tricky. In this article, we'll explore effective methods for how to get slime out of clothes, so you can keep your wardrobe slime-free.


1. Act Quickly:


The key to successfully removing slime from clothing is to act as soon as you notice the mishap. Fresh slime is much easier to work with than dried or hardened slime.


2. Freeze It:


One of the most effective ways to remove slime from clothes is to freeze it. Follow these steps:


Place the clothing in the freezer, with the slime facing up. Make sure not to press it into the fabric any further.


Let it sit in the freezer for about 30 minutes. This will cause the slime to harden and become less sticky.


Once the slime is frozen, gently scrape it off with a butter knife, the edge of a credit card, or a similar flat, non-sharp object. Be careful not to damage the fabric.


After removing as much slime as possible, launder the garment as usual.


3. Use Vinegar:


Vinegar is an excellent option for breaking down the stickiness of slime. Here's what to do:


Soak the affected area of the clothing in white vinegar for about 5-10 minutes.


Gently rub the slime stain with a cloth or sponge.


Rinse the area with cold water.


Launder the garment as usual. Check the stain before drying to ensure it's fully gone. If any residue remains, repeat the process.


4. Heat It Up:


If you have slime on clothing that can be safely exposed to heat, consider using an iron to help remove the residue. Follow these steps:


Place a paper towel or a piece of newspaper over the slime stain.


Set your iron to a low heat setting, ensuring it's not too hot.


Gently press the iron over the paper towel or newspaper for a few seconds. The heat will melt the slime, and the paper will absorb it.


Lift the paper, and you should see the slime residue on it.


Launder the clothing as usual.


5. Apply Dish Soap:


Dish soap can also help break down the stickiness of slime. Here's how to use it:


Apply a small amount of dish soap directly to the slime stain.


Gently rub the fabric together to work the soap into the stain.


Rinse the area with cold water.


Launder the clothing as usual.