The Birth of Noah

Depiction of Methuselah

Zarateman - Source: Wikimedia Commons

Author’s Note: This is a re-creation of the story The Birth of Noah by Louis Ginzberg. The original version contained more information about Biblical aspects of the story. Specifically, the original version ties the punishment—the great flood—back to the beginning of the Bible in Genesis regarding the story of Adam and Eve and how the flood is a result of their breaking a commandment from God. Instead of focusing on this aspect of the story, I chose to focus more on the relationship between Lamech and his father, Methuselah, and the relationship between Methuselah and his grandchild, Noah. In my story, much like the original version, Lamech seeks the advice and wisdom of his father. This opens the opportunity to Methuselah to create a unique relationship with his grandson, Noah. Since Noah is only known as “Noah” by his grandfather, this creates a lasting bond between Methuselah and Noah. I think this is a unnoticed and underappreciated theme within the story. The reason Noah is only known as “Noah” to Methuselah is because Methuselah did not want people to learn about who Noah actually is and what he has been called to do. Magicians were able to gain control over someone by exploiting their true name. Methuselah feared this would bring unwarranted persecution to his grandson, so he decided to keep a secret between the two of them.

Bibliography: The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg (1909). Book 1, Chapter 4, Noah.

The Birth of Noah

There was once a man named Lamech. As he was continuing to grow older, he desired a life filled with family: a wife and a child. For many, many years this longing was left unfilled. Lamech begin to feel as if he would never be a father.

Then, as if it was fate, Lamech met the woman of his dreams, and they became married. Lamech and his wife lived a happy and quiet life on a beautiful farm in the hills. Although his heart was happy, he still felt a longing to become a father.

Lamech’s wife soon became pregnant. One day while working together on the farm, Lamech’s wife said, “It is time.” Lamech was overcome with joy. He was finally going welcome his baby boy into the world and become a father.

But what came next no one expected...

The baby did not look or act like a normal baby. Instead, the baby had characteristics of both a man and angel. The baby had locks of hair that were white as snow that challenged a grown man's. His eyes were like beams from the sun, illuminating everywhere he went. And, when the baby opened his mouth, he praised the Lord God almighty.

Lamech was taken aback by these unusual characteristics. This is not what he was expecting. This is not what he had waited so long for. Lamech was so distraught that he fled and sought the advice of his father, Methuselah.

Lamech said, “Father, I do not know what to do. My son is not normal. He is a man child with locks of hair as white as snow, eyes that are like beams straight from the sun, and he speaks perfect praises of righteousness to the Lord. Father, what should I do? What have I done? For this is not my child, but a child of the angels.”

Methuselah, hearing the desperation in his son’s voice, sought the one of great wisdom for advice, his father Enoch. Methuselah then described the peculiar situation.

Enoch said, “There will one day be a great flood that covers the ends of the Earth. The flood will kill everyone and everything in its path. This will act to cleanse the world of all impurities. But there will be one who will lead and ensure the survival of mankind during this punishment. The one who will live on is named Noah, and he is your grandchild. Your grandchild will lead the world out of the greatest punishment of all time. Now go and name him Noah."

Methuselah went at once to meet his grandchild. He feared for his grandchild and could picture Noah being berated and tortured as a result of his true identity. Therefore, Methuselah was the only one to call him Noah. To others his name was Menahem, the great comforter. Throughout his life Noah formed a special bond with his grandfather. Methuselah taught Noah acts of courage and bits of wisdom. For he knew—and only he knew—that his grandson would one day lead the world out of despair. Lamech now rested in the fact that finally had a son. Not only did he have a son, he had a true gift from God. This is the story of the birth of Noah.