Accepted Papers

Accepted Papers

  • Attribute Prediction Of Unknown Lexical Entities Based On Mixture Of Bayesian Segmentation Model, Ryu Takeda and Kazunori Komatani
  • Towards Domain Adaptation from Limited Data for Question Answering Using Deep Neural Networks, Timothy Hazen, Daniel Boies and Shehzaad Dhuliawala
  • Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Of Contextual Embeddings For Low-Resource Duplicate Question Detection, Yadollah Yaghoobzadeh, Alexandre Rochette and Timothy Hazen
  • Semi-Supervised Learning For Text Classification By Layer Partitioning, Alexander Hanbo Li and Abhinav Sethy
  • Toward Cross-Domain Speech Recognition With End-To-End Models, Thai Son Nguyen, Sebastian Stueker and Alex Waibel
  • Bimodal Speech Emotion Recognition Using Pre-trained Language Models, Verena Heusser, Niklas Freymuth, Stefan Constantin and Alex Waibel