
For Sanlam Indie, I conducted a research proposal for their Understanding Debt course

Good debt can be a good thing
We should learn how to manage debt properly
When we know our debt and how to handle it, we can live lightly.

Timeline: A two-week period was allotted for induction and designing the foundational research for this project. 

Department: I reported to the Knowledge team and worked on my own during this project. 

Goal: Take the learner through a journey of understanding debt, its advantages and disadvantages and how it could be used to manage our finances in a way that allows us to live in an independent way. 

Reflection: The research I conducted during this project opened my eye to the overwhelming debt that is apparent in so many households. The impression that we have of debt is often skewed by the way that it is presented to us. It was fascinating to hold this information and to present it in a way that would allow learners to have a firm grasp on the concept of debt and to mould it to their lifestyle. 

What could happen if we understood a world that seems so aloof and impenetrable?